10 benefits of honey with lemon for body health, hair and skin

by Kremy

10 benefits of honey with lemon for body health hair and skin

Thanks to its antiseptic properties, honey can help us fight some conditions. Used topically it allows us to moisturize the skin and eliminate impurities. Honey and lemon are two ingredients widely used throughout the world thanks to their versatility and the properties that both have which are useful for our health as well as for beauty of hair and skin. The combination of honey with lemon can be used for cosmetic purposes and also as a home remedy for certain conditions. Here is a short list of the 10 benefits of honey with lemon for body health, hair and skin:

What are the benefits of honey with lemon?

What are the benefits of honey with lemon for health and beauty


These two ingredients are very easy to find, and most people include them in their shopping list on a regular basis and surely, you also have them available in your home. Although each one can be used separately for different purposes, by combining the two ingredients we can enhance their antibacterial and antioxidant effects. So here is a short list of the most important benefits of honey with lemon for your health and beauty.

honey and lemon health benefits improve immunity and metabolism

Lemon and honey are exceptionally beneficial to the immune system. Lemons have antibacterial and antiseptic properties and contain vitamin C, antioxidants and other volatile components. Honey has been used for millennia for its powerful antibacterial properties. The combination of the two products is a real boost to our body and immune system. In addition, both speed up the metabolic process. Many people do not realize that lemon juice can balance the acidity of our body. Despite the fact that we are used to think of lemons as an acidic product, the citric acid enters the body, it has an alkalizing effect.

Honey with lemon improves digestion

Honey with lemon is a good remedy to regulate the pH of the body, eliminate acidity and receive important nutrients such as vitamin C, riboflavin and vitamin B. This combination is also good to treat stomach disorders such as acid reflux and ulcers. Of course, as always when we refer to a health issue, consult your doctor about it. And remember: natural remedies can help you fight symptoms but it will be your doctor who decides if you should also take antibiotics. Prepare a tonic with two tablespoons of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey and a glass of warm water. Dilute all ingredients well and drink it preferably on an empty stomach.

Honey and lemon reduce abdominal fat and fight obesity

Lemons are low in calories and their high antioxidant content helps break down fat cells. Honey is fat free, provides the body with energy to improve physical performance and its sugar is easily digested. Mix a teaspoon of honey with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and dilute in a glass of warm water. Consume this drink first thing in the morning every day to take advantage of its benefits.

consume honey and lemon to detoxify your body

The combination of honey and lemon juice has a cleansing effect as the mixture increases the peristaltic motion of the bowels which, in turn, prevents the build-up of dangerous bacteria. In addition, the combination has a diuretic effect which helps the body eliminate toxins, fats and salts. Use this detox water to clean your body periodically.

honey and lemon juice help fight bacteria

Lemon juice and honey can help fight bacteria and microorganisms that cause flu, colds, asthma, sore throat and many other respiratory problems. You can use these two ingredients to prepare an excellent syrup to fight these health problems. Mix a teaspoon of honey with two tablespoons of lemon juice and dilute them in a glass of warm water. Drink this mixture several times a day.

Take lemon and honey to fight flu and cold symptoms

Although the above remedy can be used to fight several flu and cold symptoms, this natural remedy is another good option to reduce them. Boil a liter of water and add two slices of ginger. Then add three tablespoons of lemon juice and three tablespoons of honey. Drink this tea three to four times a day.

honey and lemon have antiseptic properties and prevent infections

Both honey and lemon have antiseptic properties that can act positively on minor wounds, preventing infections and speeding up their recovery. Honey can eliminate microorganisms, while lemon prevents bacteria growth. Drinking lemon and honey tonic can help in cases of injury or infection. You can also apply a mixture of both ingredients directly on the skin to take advantage of its benefits topically.

Skin care with honey and lemon juice benefits

The mixture of honey with lemon can help recover the tone of the skin, leaving it smooth, soft and radiant. Mix equal parts of honey and lemon, apply it on the skin of the face and let it work for 20 minutes. This mask should be applied at night, as it can have unfavorable effects if one is immediately exposed to the sun.

A lemon and honey mask is also useful in the treatment against blackheads and oily skin. Both ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that penetrate deep into the skin and remove impurities. Cut a lemon in two, cover one of the halves with honey and then rub it all over your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse.

Hair care tips honey and lemon mask recipe

Honey and lemon clean the hair, soften it and remove excess fat to give it a healthier and more beautiful appearance. Mix in a bowl 4 tablespoons of honey with the juice of two lemons. Apply the mask on the scalp and hair and leave on for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse it with shampoo.

What are the side effects when taking honey and lemon

Are there any side effects when taking honey and lemon? Some people are allergic to honey and if that is the case, you may suffer some unpleasant side effects. One should also keep in mind that when applied on the skin honey may cause irritation, especially if you leave it for too long. If you are not sure, make a test. Apply a small amount of honey and lemon mixture on your skin and see how your body responds.



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