DIY Shea butter mask recipes for hair and skin care

by Kremy

DIY Shea butter mask recipes for hair and skin care

Shea butter mask recipes for hair and skin care are very popular among women. This is due to the positive effect on the curls. The nutritional components of the butter affect the structure of the strands making them soft and shiny.

Shea butter is a great skin care product and is used to eliminate facial wrinkles and give the skin elasticity. This component contains a lot of vitamins A, E, D and F, fats, carbohydrates and acids. Together, they have a positive effect on the skin of the face and moisturize, nourish and protect the skin. This is a universal tool that should be in the arsenal of every woman during the cold season.

Benefits of Shea butter for skin and hair

Benefits of Shea butter for skin and hair


Shea butter as a skin and hair care product is quite beneficial due to its exceptional properties. Regular use of Shea butter mask recipes allows you to maintain the perfect look of your hair and skin at home with the help of this universal natural product and without much effort. Here is a short list of the positive effects of using it:

  • dandruff removal;
  • strengthening the root system;
  • getting rid of excessive dryness;
  • removal of chemical burns from the scalp;
  • nutrition;
  • straightening;
  • split ends;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tightens the oval of the face;
  • fights inflammation;
  • eliminates peeling, irritation and itching;
  • evens out complexion;
  • protects the skin from sun, wind and cold;
  • accelerates the healing of minor cuts, wounds;
  • promotes the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis.

DIY Shea butter hair mask recipes

The benefits of shea butter for hair do not end with the above list. Regular use allows you to fully restore the structure of the strands. Most often, the product is used in its pure, unrefined variety but it can be successfully combined with other useful components. Skin nourishing masks eliminate dryness and acne. Shea butter is widely used for skin around the eyes from wrinkles. It slows down the aging process and has antioxidant properties.

How to apply Shea butter properly?

How to use Shea butter at home

Shea butter is used at home in the same way as other vegetable oils. You can use it in its pure form or add it to your usual masks and hair balms, mixed with essential oils and other ingredients. You need to remember that in its normal state shea butter is solid, therefore you must follow certain rules in order to achieve the best results. Here are some useful tips how to use the product properly.

  • The oil does not have detergent properties, as it contains a large amount of unsaponifiable fats. Therefore, before using it, you must wash your hair with a neutral shampoo and do not wipe dry.
  • The temperature of the butter is important. Like coconut oil, shea butter is solid so before using it you need to heat it in water bath or microwave it to 37 degrees C.
  • The butter is applied with soft movements, trying not to damage weak hair. It is important to apply shea butter over the entire length of the hair evenly.
  • Shea butter must be removed with a neutral soap or shampoo and then hair is rinsed thoroughly with warm water.

DIY Shea butter face mask

  • The optimal number of applications of shea butter is no more than 2 times a week. If shea butter shampoo is applied you can use it up to 4 times in a week. Do not keep the butter for more than 40 minutes on your hair. It is not recommended to use it for greasy hair and should be used with care for colored hair.
  • Before use, it is necessary to check the response of the body to the effects of the butter. Wrap it on a small area of the skin and monitor for signs of an allergic reaction.

Shea is one of the best solid fats for hair and skin which are used in cosmetology. The simplicity of its use and compatibility with many other ingredients allows you to choose the best mask recipe not only for hair, but also for the body, lips and skin around the eyes.

DIY Shea butter hair mask recipes

Hair masks with shea butter recipes for healthy hair

Shea butter hair masks are widely popular. They allow you to correct the defects of the curls, make them healthy, shiny and silky in a short time. To achieve a given effect, it is necessary to apply certain masks that fit the particular structure of the strands. The butter can be safely added to your favorite hair balm in a ratio of 2: 1. After washing, apply the product to your hair and leave it for 30-40 minutes.

Vegetable fats with solid consistency contain different vitamins, trace elements and fatty acids. They are often combined with other essential oils like coconut oil, cocoa, etc. These combinations are very successful and nourish, moisturize, eliminate excessive dryness and oiliness of hair. For example, coconut oil is a powerful natural antioxidant and is a real blessing for damaged and very dry hair. In combination with Shea butter it makes hair shiny, voluminous and vibrant. Despite the high nutritional value Shea butter masks are easily washed off the hair with warm water and shampoo.

DIY Shea butter restoring hair mask

Homemade Shea butter restoring hair mask recipe


30 grams of shea butter

3 drops sandalwood essential oil

5 drops of each vitamin A and E


Melt the butter in water bath. Do not overheat.

Add the remaining ingredients and stir to mix.

Apply the mixture starting from the roots to the tips.

Leave the mask for 40-60 minutes and then wash the head with shampoo and warm water.

Hair loss prevention mask

Hair loss prevention mask recipe


1 tablespoon of castor oil

3 drops of rosemary oil

1 tablespoon of Shea butter


Mix all the ingredients.

Apply the mixture starting from the roots to the tips.

Wrap your hair in cling film and leave the mask for three hours.

After several procedures, the effect will already be noticeable, and after a few months the hair will stop falling out, become silky and strong.

Shea butter moisturizing hair mask

Shea butter moisturizing hair mask


50 g Shea butter

30 g honey

50 ml olive oil

1 avocado


Mix olive oil and Shea butter and heat over low heat.

Mash the avocado and add to the oil mixture.

Apply the mask on the hair for about one hour.

Nourishing hair mask

Nourishing hair mask


2 tbsp linseed oil

3 tbsp Shea butter

1 tbsp burdock oil

1 tsp vitamin E


Mix all the ingredients.

Apply the mixture to dry hair and hold for 2-3 hours.

Rinse and dry in the usual way.

DIY Shea butter face mask recipes

skin nourishing masks with shea butter

Shea butter is beneficial for the skin and can be used in cold and hot season. In the cold weather the properties of the product give the maximum result. Frosty weather damages the skin and without special protection there is a high risk of negative consequences. How to use Shea butter for the face in the hot season? This amazing natural product has a positive effect not only when it is cold, but also at high temperatures. It allows you to protect the skin from the negative effects of UV and sunlight in the summer. It can be used as a base for makeup as well. Here are some mask recipes for you:

DIY Shea butter regenerating skin mask

DIY Shea butter regenerating skin mask


2 teaspoons of melted Shea butter

4 spoons of almond oil

2-3 drops of lavender oil

2-3 drops of chamomile oil


Mix all the ingredients.

Apply the mask on the face.

Let sit for 20-30 minutes and rinse with water.

Homemade face mask for oily skin

DIY face mask for oily skin


1 tbsp Shea butter

1 tbsp tea tree oil

1 teaspoon of clay

2 tbsp. water


Mix together all the ingredients.

Apply the mixture to the face.

Leave it for 15-20 minutes and then, rinse with water.

Homemade mask for skin around the eyes

DIY mask for skin around the eyes


1 teaspoon of Shea butter

1 teaspoon almond oil


Heat the shea butter over low heat.

Add the almond oil and stir.

Apply the mask to the eyelids and around the eyes.

Leave it for 20 minutes.

Homemade mask for aging skin

Effective homemade mask for aging skin


2 teaspoons of Shea butter

2 spoons of macadamia oil

1 teaspoon of avocado oil

1 teaspoon of jojoba oil

2 drops of rosemary oil

3 drops of rosewood oil


Melt the butter and add the remaining ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

While cooling the mixture, add the rosemary and rosewood oil.

Transfer the mixture to a convenient container with a lid and store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

DIY mask for sensitive skin

DIY mask for sensitive skin


2 teaspoons of Shea butter

1 tbsp of rose water

1 teaspoon of aloe vera

1 teaspoon melted beeswax

1 tbsp of olive oil

5 drops vitamin E


Melt Shea butter over low heat.

Add the remaining ingredients and stir to combine.

Transfer the mask in a convenient jar and store in the refrigerator.

DIY skin and hair mask recipes

You can make your own face cream with Shea butter. Mix the main ingredient in the amount of 45 g of butter with 90 ml of avocado oil, 25 g beeswax and one ampoule of vitamin E. The finished product is applied daily.

