Effective home remedies for cough with natural ingredients

by Kremy

How to relieve cough at home without pills

What are the best home remedies for cough? Nowadays, more and more people prefer to abandon pills in favor of cheaper and, as it is believed, harmless, home remedies. Medicines are expensive, very often they have side effects and their cons can be listed endlessly.

Even with the slightest cold goes with cough and discomfort. And the more persistent the disease, the more uncomfortable it is. Especially at night, the irritating cough can drive you mad. If that is the case, it is time to look for helpful and quick remedies with natural ingredients that have a calming and healing effect. After all, what could be better than nature when it comes to our health?

quick and effective home remedies for cough with natural ingredients


Cough can occur not only when you got cold, but it is typical for bronchitis, tracheitis, pleuritis, pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases. There are many folk remedies to relieve cough that came to us time-tested by our grandmothers. Home remedies for cough are suitable for people of all ages, and especially appropriate for sensitive people or children. The best thing about natural remedies is, of course, that most of them are suitable for small children and even babies.

How to relieve cough at home without pills? What are the best recipes and when is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor? We shall help you and give you the recipes that will help you cope with the problem! Of course, everyone should keep in mind that if home remedies do not work within 3-4 days, you should see a doctor immediately to avoid further complications.

When you should not take home remedies for cough?

When you should not take home remedies for cough

Folk remedies for cough, of course, help to cope with various types of cough, but not everyone can use them and not always. First, you need to make sure that the cough is caused by a disease of the respiratory tract, since all popular recipes are designed to get rid of cough as a symptom of a cold or bronchitis. It is strongly advisable to take folk remedies after you visited a specialist and have a diagnosis.

woman in bed flu cough take vitamins

You must never forget that even the most harmless folk recipes can be dangerous. For example, if they contain an ingredient that is contraindicated to the patient due to possible side effects or may causes an allergic reaction. Remember that all herbs and roots, fruits and vegetables as well as any other medicinal plants that folk medicine offers to use in treatment may have side effects in the same way as “chemical” medicines. The composition of all plants includes substances, which are chemical compounds. The only difference with the drugs is that a pill was manufactured while the plant grew in the garden. The chemical composition in a pill is known and precisely calculated which cannot be said about homemade infusions and decoctions.

What about home remedies for cough efficacy?

which home remedies for cold and cough are efficient

In terms of efficacy, pills and traditional recipes cannot be compared. You should not expect a quick result from home remedies. Usually it takes several days (or even weeks) to boil, insist, and brew the future healing potion. During this time, sometimes it is possible to be treated faster and more efficiently with the help of a medicine purchased at a pharmacy.

One should remember that cough is not a disease but just a symptom. Fighting a symptom, not knowing the reasons for its appearance, is wrong. You should use home remedies if the reason of the cough is determined, otherwise it is easy to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Herbs do not always help. Typically, home recipes help to cope with symptoms only at the very first stages of the development of the disease. It is true that properly used folk remedies can relieve an unpleasant symptom but if you neglect your condition, self medication is not the way to go. It is obligatory to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary medicines.

treatment for cold and cough herbs and vitamins vs pills

There are also a number of conditions when a doctor should be consulted immediately without attempting self-medication:

  • cough started suddenly, for no objective reason. This may be an indication that an object has entered the respiratory tract;
  • cough is accompanied by rapid breathing, difficulty in inhaling or exhaling, appearance of wheezing;
  • sputum is thick, has a greenish or reddish color;
  • cough is accompanied by high temperature, which lasts more than 4 consecutive days;
  • cough continues for more than two weeks;
  • streaks of blood appeared in sputum.

cough relieving remedies with natural ingredients

Depending on your age, various home remedies for cough can be tried to relieve the symptoms. Age is very important because children, toddlers and especially babies do not always tolerate the same remedies as adults. Caution must also be exercised during pregnancy. If you are an adult, not pregnant and have no other health problems, you can try the following recipes so that the cough will hopefully go away quickly.

Home remedies for cough with natural ingredients – recipes and tips

Home remedies for cough with natural ingredients recipes and tips

The arsenal of affordable home remedies for cough with natural ingredients is quite extensive. First of all you should drink a lot of warm beverages. It can be tea with lemon, with honey – if you have no allergies, with mint, etc. It could be milk with honey as well. Herbal decoctions from chamomile, thyme, sage, coltsfoot etc. also relieve cough.

Monitor the humidity in the room. Dry air irritates the respiratory tract. Inhalations with soda, medicinal herbs, and essential oils are beneficial but be careful when using essential oils because some of them may provoke an allergic reaction. If the cough is caused by a cold and there is not temperature or fever hot foot baths can be used to relieve it.

Home remedies for cough – tea as a cough suppressant for adults

Tea is the perfect home remedy for cough

Tea is the perfect home remedy for cough. It is prepared quickly and soothes the throat immediately. Generally, tea falls in the category of hot beverages and you can choose any variety if your cough is caused by cold or flu. Tea has a calming effect on the mucous membranes but herbal teas are particularly good.

You can buy ready-made herbal blends in the pharmacy that have been mixed specifically for cough or make your own herbal mix. It is best is you do not drink your tea hot, but lukewarm.Honey not only sweetens your tea, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What tea relieves cough

Which tea relieves cough?

  • Aconitum (Monkshood) has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties
  • Thyme  is a secretion remover and makes it easier to cough up
  • Cowslip (Primula veris) is a good secretion remover
  • Chamomile has excellent anti-inflammatory properties
  • Orange blossom is a cough suppressant
  • Ginger has great anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral properties and is a good expectorant
  • Hibiscus
  • Plantain
  • Marsh-mallow (Althaea officinalis)
  • Mallow, etc.

Steam inhalations relieve cough

how to make steam inhalations

Doctors often recommend inhalation to treat both dry and wet coughs. In the first case, inhalation moisturizes the mucous membranes relieving painful attacks. In addition this procedure activates the evacuation of sputum, accelerating the healing process.When you make the procedure at home you should pay attention to several important rules:

  • Inhalations are not recommended when you have temperature;
  • Make sure that the steam temperature does not exceed 30-40 degrees Celsius as this can trigger increased swelling.
  • Keep in mind that inhalations will be most effective if carried out with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease and dry cough has appeared.
  • If possible, use a nebulizer – it is both easier and safer than breathing over a plate or teapot with hot water.


steam inhaler for relieving cough at home

Steam inhalations for dry and wet cough:

  • Decoctions of herbs – Chamomile, sage, St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum), calendula, raspberry leaves, marsh rosemary, peppermint are suitable. These herbs have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, mucolytic and antiseptic effects. For inhalation, pour a glass of boiling water over the herbs, let it brew for 30 minutes and pour it into a bowl. Then bend over the bowl and inhale its vapor for 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Soda is an effective weapon in the fight against various viruses and germs. That is why it is used as a disinfectant for inhalations during the treatment of colds and this folk remedy is considered especially effective for angina. Dilute 1 teaspoon of soda in a liter of hot water, breathe over steam for no longer than 10 minutes.
  • Essential oils – usually eucalyptus, peach, pine, peppermint, sea buckthorn, almond oil are used. Add 2-3 drops per glass of hot water and inhale the steam.
  • Mineral water – Alkaline mineral water moisturizes the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and dilutes sputum, improving its excretion from the smallest bronchioles. For inhalations, alkaline mineral water should be used and you can do the procedure 3-4 times a day.

Steam inhalations relieve cough

Keep in mind that both the vapors can be dangerous if you are too close and the hot water itself if the container is accidentally knocked over.  Essential oils are not recommended for people having asthma because they can irritate the lungs and cause seizures. Asthmatics should use one of the other ingredients – thyme or chamomile.

Ginger as a home remedy for cough

Ginger is a great home remedy for cough

Ginger is an excellent home remedy for cough which also strengthens the immune system. Ginger root is used in numerous recipes for coughs, colds, and flu. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and expectorant properties and is the perfect cure for irritable cough. You can take it as a spice in a soup, grated or pureed, you can make ginger tea or consume it as lukewarm ginger water.

Ginger, lemon and honey is also a powerful combination that provides your body with vitamin C to strengthen the immune system. The antioxidants it contains are also hugely beneficial.

Onion as a home remedy for cough

onion honey garlic are natural cough remedies

Does onion juice help cough? The health benefits of onion are due to its unique composition. This spicy product is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus. It is a natural medicine in the initial stages of acute respiratory viral infections. Syrups or onion-based mixtures cleanse the body of excess fluid, improve the absorption of food.

The easiest way to use onion to relieve cough is through inhalation. It is enough to chop the onion and inhale the volatile substances secreted by it. Healing syrups (using sugar or honey), decoctions (often with milk), infusions and tinctures are also prepared with onions.

How to make onion syrup for cough? Peel 1 medium onion and chop it finely. Place the chopped onion into a bowl and add 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. Stir the mixture and transfer to a dark place overnight. By morning, the syrup will be ready. Take 1 tbsp of syrup 4 or 5 times a day 30 minutes after eating.

How to make onion broth with honey? Grate 1 onion, add 1 cup of sugar and 2 tbsp of honey. Pour boiling water and boil the mixture over low heat for 3 hours. Cool the resulting mixture, then strain. Take 1 tbsp of the mixture 5-6 times a day after meal.

The recommended amount of onion for an adult is 100 g (half a glass) in any form per day. For children under 1 year old, giving onions of any kind and in any form is undesirable. It is especially important to consult a pediatrician if you prepare home remedies for cough with honey because there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

Home remedies for cough with honey

Home remedies for cough with honey

Honey is one of the most effective home remedies for cough. It honey contains substances that enhance the production of compounds that suppress cough. The vitamins, minerals and flavonoids have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the pathogens from multiplying. Honey contains components that help dilute and remove sputum from the bronchi.

Despite the fact that honey is a high-quality natural product, we already mentioned that you must be careful when you give it to children. People prone to allergic reactions should also consume honey with caution. Children should not take more than 2-3 teaspoons of honey per day

Honey in combination with herbal tea is an effective cough syrup with no risk of overdose in this case. The explanation is that honey contains many anti-oxidants. A spoonful of honey at bedtime not only soothes the cough, but also promotes a more restful sleep. Warm milk with honey will also help you sleep more peacefully.

Honey inhalation is also very helpful. For the procedure, honey must be dissolved in lukewarm water in the ratio: 5:1 (5 parts water and 1 part honey). Bend over the bowl and breathe in the steam.

Home remedies for cough with lemon

Home remedies for cough with lemon

The role of lemon as a home remedy for cough is to saturate the weakened body with vitamin C. It also contains other substances like vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9, beta-carotene, vitamin E, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, selenium, zinc, flavonoids , citric acid, cryptoxanthin, lutein, etc. Lemon kills bacteria in the upper respiratory tract, lowers temperature, strengthens the immune system, etc. Honey with lemon is a great home remedy as it combines the beneficial properties of both natural products. You can squeeze half a lemon into a cup of boiled water and add 1-2 teaspoons of honey. Drink the water while warm.

Honey, lemon juice and garlic syrup is another easy to prepare home remedy for cough. The antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties of garlic enhance the effect of honey and lemon.

Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon grated garlic and a cup of water into a saucepan. Boil the mixture and pour it into a cup. Add one tablespoon of honey and stir. Drink once a day.

Lemon-based home remedies should not be used by people with acute gastritis, with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, people who are allergic to citrus fruits, children and nursing women.

How to relieve cough at night?

How to relieve cough at night

Why do you cough at night? Cough seems to be particularly bad at night and you cannot rest and sleep. When a person is in a horizontal position, mucus accumulates in the nasopharynx, throat gets dry and irritable cough increases. A few simple home remedies for cough can help.Tea with honey, milk with honey, a tablespoon of ginger with honey will help you to sleep better.

Dust and dry air increase cough. This happens quite often in homes with central heating. Dry and hot air irritates the mucous membranes and provokes coughing. To relieve your condition, regularly ventilate the bedroom and do wet cleaning. Monitor the humidity in the room. A humidifier is a good idea, but if you haven’t got one and you need to fight cough right now, you can place bowls of water in the room or next to the bed. Even simple damp cloths that you hang in the room work wonders.

Home remedies for cough for babies and children

Home remedies for cough for babies and children

The options for home remedies for cough suitable for babies are limited due to the fact that a baby is not mature to consume lemon, ginger, honey or other ingredients. We remind you that honey must not be given to children under 1 year old. Lots of liquids, including unsweetened teas are a good option. You should take care to maintain air humidity. Pay special attention to the symptoms and cough and if your baby does not get better quickly, you must see a pediatrician.

Many parents prefer to to use home remedies instead of other medications. As a responsible and caring parent, you should never forget that you have to keep a close eye on your child to see if there is any improvement. If you find that the cough does not get better or worse after a few days or that other symptoms appear, a visit to the doctor is a must! Do not underestimate the cough and colds as they can quickly lead to bronchitis or pneumonia.

Tea and drinks like milk with honey are suitable for children. Herbal teas are best. Strong flavored teas like ginger or peppermint are not the favorite of kids. .Tea and milk should be lukewarm and not hot.

Inhalations are not suitable for toddlers but this procedure can be helpful to grown up children. Of course, yo need to be careful with the hot water and use only oils or ingredients that children can tolerate. Avoid strong essential oils such as mint and eucalyptus as they may cause shortness of breath.

when you should see a doctor

You should see a doctor as soon as possible in case that:

  • Your baby is under 3 months old;
  • the child has a fever and high temperature;
  • the child breathes unevenly or rapidly;
  • the cough is painful;
  • the cough continues for a long time;
  • the cough is so severe that the lips turn blue.


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