Food for Healthy Teeth – natural products for your oral hygiene?

by Kremy


combination of milk leafy vegetables and strawberries

Regular brushing and flossing helps keep teeth healthy by removing sugars and food particles that combine with bacteria to form plaque. Plaque formation produces acid, which damages the enamel, causes cavities and creates conditions for gum diseases. An increasing amount of research has now found out that certain foods are beneficial for teeth health. Just as some foods may keep your heart healthy, others can contribute to oral health. So here are examples of food for healthy teeth that you can include in your daily menu.


Suitable foods for healthy teeth

salad with leaf vegetable cherry tomatoes and cauliflower for healthy teeth

When it comes to your oral hygiene and health, they really reflect what you eat. For example, food with a lot of sugar, sweets and carbonated drinks are not at all suitable for healthy teeth. They rather contribute to tooth decay. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), your oral health is affected if your diet is not optimal. That is why, use this list of foods for healthy teeth to improve your diet and the health of your mouth.

simple and easy methods for oral health floss after eating

Of course, you need to keep in mind that this article is only intended to help you and give you some knowledge of general oral health. These tips that we give you are not a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always ask your dentist or other qualified doctor for advice if you have questions about a disease or treatment.


Is cheese good for your teeth?

dairy products are great food for healthy teeth

If you are one of the many people who have a taste for cheese, you now have another reason to enjoy this delicious meal. A study by General Dentistry, the journal of the Dental Academy, found that eating cheese raised the pH of the mouth and lowered the risk of tooth decay. It is also believed that chewing cheese increases the saliva in the mouth. Cheese also contains calcium and protein, nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel. So cheese can neutralize plaque formation. In addition, chewing increases saliva production.

food for healthy teeth milk tomato cucumber radish apple

A research published in the journal showed that 12- to 15-year-olds who ate cheddar cheese had a lower acidity in their mouth than those who ate sugar-free yogurt or drank a glass of milk. After eating, the young volunteers rinsed their mouths with water. The acid or pH levels in their mouths were then measured 10, 20 and 30 minutes after rinsing. Those who drank milk or ate yogurt did not show any change in their pH, but the cheese eaters had a rapid drop at each sampling interval.

Is celery healthy for the mouth?

celery prevents formation of cavities and other dental diseases

Celery may have the bad reputation of being boring, watery and full of those troublesome fibers, but like carrots and apples, this vegetable works like a toothbrush that scrapes off food and bacteria from your teeth. It is also a good source of vitamins A and C, two antioxidants that boost the health of your gums. You can make celery tastier by topping it with cream cheese.


food for healthy teeth raisins to prevent plaque

Raisins are naturally sweet and do not contain sugar. Sugar helps bacteria stick to the tooth surface and produce plaque. Raisins are also a source of phytochemicals that can kill plaque bacteria in cavities. Some compounds in raisins also affect the growth of bacteria associated with gum disease.


berries blueberries strawberries for healthy teeth

Currants, cranberries or blueberries contain polyphenols (as well as tea), which, according to a study published in the journal Caries Research, prevent plaque from sticking to the teeth, thus reducing the risk of tooth decay. A note at this point: Because these fruits are so acidic, manufacturers have added sugar to many products, which may affect the potential benefits to the teeth.

Are carrots good for your teeth?

young woman eating carrot for healthy teeth

It requires serious chewing to disintegrate foods such as carrots, apples and cucumbers. But all the chewing is not in vain as it can interfere with plaque and serve as a cleaning mechanism. So instead of staying in the mouth and settling on the teeth, it eliminates bacteria. Carrots are crispy like apples and full of fiber. Eating a handful of raw carrots at the end of the meal increases the production of saliva in your mouth, which reduces the risk of tooth decay. Carrots are not only rich in fiber but also a great source of vitamin A. Add some raw carrot slices in a salad, or enjoy some baby carrots as an ideal food for healthy teeth.

healthy food for teeth of children and adults

Carrots have been praised as vegetables for cavity control because nibbling on crunchy, raw carrots acts like a natural toothbrush. By chewing your gums will be massaged. This bright vegetable is rich in plaque-attacking keratin and vitamin A, which is crucial for strengthening sensitive enamel. All in all, it is a good choice for a snack between meals.

Onion against teeth inflammation

red onion helps sensitive teeth pain

Despite the sharp and strong scent of onion, this vegetable contains compounds that are extremely beneficial to the teeth. Onion also has antibacterial properties, and the sulfur content in it keeps teeth healthy and protects them from various diseases. Raw onions are so incredibly healthy for you. As an added bonus, the antibacterial sulfur compounds contained in an onion kill the harmful bacteria on your teeth.

Other foods for healthy teeth

woman drinking tea for white teeth

Compounds called polyphenols found in black and green tea varieties slow down the growth of bacteria associated with tooth decay and gum disease. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago found that people who rinsed their mouth with black tea for ten minutes per day had less plaque on their teeth than those who rinsed their mouths with water. In addition, the size of their plaque was reduced.

Is green tea good for teeth?

green tea contains polyphenols for healthy teeth

Green tea undermines the ability of some bacteria to clump together, the researchers said. In a 2010 study published in the Journal of Dental Research, researchers have written that tea, especially black tea, works against halitosis or bad breath. Polyphenols suppress the genes of bacteria that control the production of stinky compounds in the mouth.

Vitamin rich foods for healthy teeth

leaf vegetables salmon red meat peanuts rocket and other food for healthy teeth

Calcium-containing foods such as cheese, almonds, and leafy vegetables, as well as high phosphorus-containing natural products such as meat, eggs, and fish, can help keep tooth enamel strong and healthy, according to the American Dental Association. Acid foods and drinks can cause tiny lesions in the enamel. Calcium and phosphate help to restore minerals to these lesions. Calcium is also good for bones, including your jaw.


Almond MIlk

Drinking a glass of milk after eating dry, sugar-sweetened products will lower the acidity in the mouth more than drinking water or apple juice. Milk neutralizes part of the acid produced by plaque formation. However, adding milk to grain does not have the same benefit.

bad food for teeth sweets candy

Drinking a glass of milk after eating a sweet dessert like chocolate cake can also protect your teeth. If milk is not available, you can eat on a piece of cheese after dessert.

Yogurt after tooth surgery

food for healthy teeth like salmon olive oil vegetables nuts broccoli

Like cheese, yogurt is rich in calcium and protein, which makes it a good choice for the strength and health of your teeth. The probiotics or beneficial bacteria contained in yoghurt also benefit your gums. However, if you want to add more yogurt to your diet, choose a variety with no added sugar.

Leafy vegetables

small child holds bowl with lettuce

Leafy vegetables are usually included in any healthy food list. They are full of vitamins and minerals while low in calories. Leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach are also beneficial to oral health. They contain a lot of calcium, which builds up the enamel. They also contain folic acid, vitamin B that provides numerous health benefits, including possibly the treatment of pregnant women gum disease. If you’re having trouble including leafy vegetables into your diet, add a handful of baby spinach to your next salad or throw some kale on a pizza. You can also try to add something green to a smoothie.


eat green apple for healthy teeth

While the ADA recommends keeping away from most sweet foods, there are a few exceptions. Fruits like apples may be sweet, but they are also rich in fiber and water. When you eat an apple, saliva builds up in your mouth, washing away bacteria and food particles. The fibrous texture of the fruit also stimulates the gums. Eating an apple is not the same as brushing your teeth with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Pack a whole apple or apple slices in your lunchbox to thoroughly scrub your mouth at the end of the meal.


eat raw almonds for oral health

Almonds are great for your teeth because they are a good source of calcium and protein and contain little sugar. Enjoy a quarter cup of almonds for lunch. You can also add a handful to a salad or stir-fry. Pay attention to what you drink when eating leafy vegetables, dairy products and fibrous vegetables. Since it contains no calories or sugar, water is always the best choice, especially when compared to juice. Your diet makes a big difference when it comes to a healthy smile.


salmon with cooked vegetables in a dish with cutlery food for healthy teeth

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for good oral health, as it effectively enables your body to absorb calcium better and make good use of it throughout the body. Salmon is packed with vitamin D and calcium, making it an all-round super food for healthy teeth and gums.

Is chewing gum good for your teeth?

chew sugar free chewing gum recommended by dentist for oral health

Whether this product is considered a healthy tooth food is controversial and we strongly advise against swallowing it. However, as many ads claim, chewing gum is indeed good for your teeth, provided it is sugar free. This is because chewing speeds up saliva production, which in turn helps get rid of harmful acids more effectively. As an added bonus, it makes your breath smell better.


