Why you should wash your hands with soap and water?
In This Article
To avoid infection with coronavirus, influenza, and other respiratory viral infections, you must carefully observe your personal hygiene. Why you should wash your hands with soap and water? As the virus is transmitted by droplets, experts warn that it is necessary to wash hands frequently and not touch your face. Outside the human body, the virus is active from several hours to several days, so the main way not to get infected is to avoid contact with the virus-containing particles. Frequent hands washing and disinfection is essential and we shall explain how why and when you need to do that.
Why you should wash your hands with soap and water?
Health officials all over the world advise that the most accurate protection from coronavirus is to stay clean and sterile and that is why you should wash your hands with soap and water. Good hand hygiene is an easy way to prevent a variety of diseases and will help you avoid coronavirus infection. It is a fact that people frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it and that is how germs can get into the body. Further to that germs from unwashed hands are easily transferred to other objects – handrails, tabletops, toys, etc. and then transferred to another person’s hands. As the World Health Organization states, at the moment, frequent hand washing and alcohol-based handrubs are the only known means for rapidly and effectively inactivating a wide array of potentially harmful microorganisms on hands. As effective as hand sanitizers are, they neutralize bacteria but do not remove it as soap does.
How to wash your hands with soap and water?
It is not a surprise that there are detailed instructions how to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent the spread of diseases such as colds, the flu, and even more serious illnesses. It is especially important to do it properly to avoid coronavirus, so read carefully. World Health Organization and Health authorities in many countries recommend a full 20- to 30-second lather and scrub.
- Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
- Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
- Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
- Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
When to wash your hands with soap and water? Health officials remind that people need to wash our hands when:
- You get to work or arrive home;
- After you blow your nose, cough or sneeze;
- Before, during, and after preparing food;
- Before eating food;
- After using the restroom;
- Before and after caring for someone who is sick;
- Before and after treating a cut or wound;
- After changing diapers;
- After touching garbage;
- After visiting any public places and vehicles;
- After touching money, door handles, railings, etc.
Understanding that proper hand washing several times a day will help avoid infection is important and let’s face it – it only takes 30 seconds which is not that much time, right?
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