Budget friendly and easy Easter crafts – paper or fabric wrapped eggs

by Kremy

easy easter crafts paper fabric wrapped eggs colorful holiday decoration

It happens to many people – to be too occupied with other activities and leave the Easter decoration for the last minute. And there are many who do not want to spend a fortune on a holiday decoration with the idea that they might want something different for next year. With the help of some easy Easter crafts everyone can create cheerful holiday atmosphere in his home and also save money.

how to decorate eggs with paper and fabric


We have chosen to show you one of the easiest, budget friendly and easy Easter crafts – wrapped eggs. Paper or fabric wrapped eggs are suitable for indoor or outdoor decoration and you may use plastic eggs, eggs from styrofoam or natural ones. There is a third option – to use blown out eggs. Either way – all you would need are colorful pieces of paper of fabric, scissors and glue. Our tip – make sure that your glue is health proof if you decorate eggs which you plan to be eaten. One of the most natural and safe types of glue, which is practically useful for paper decorations, is mixing water and plain flour. Apply, add your tissue or paper motifs and after drying – this glue is as good as any other.

DIY paper wrapped easter eggs decorating ideas easy crafts

Plastic or styrofoam eggs and scraps of fabric can be quite inspiring. You may find packs of such eggs in craft stores and they would cost you very little. It is advisable to use plastic eggs if you plan to use this idea as a kids activity. Gather various scraps of fabrics with bright spring motifs for a spring mood. If you wanted a more rustic style of your decoration, look around for earthy color palette. Measure the circumference of your egg and cut out strips of paper or fabric which are slightly longer and larger. Glue the strips on the egg and let it dry overnight. On the pictures below you will see other technique ideas which are very creative and we hope you will find your inspiration in these easy Easter craft ideas.

Also read: How to Use Fabric Pouches – Storage and Zero Waste Gift Wrap Ideas

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how to decorate easter eggs with fabric or paper original decoration ideas

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