Gardening in November: 7 Important Tasks to Do in Late Fall

by Kristiyana

Leaves fall off and wind and rain become more and more frequent. But it’s not just you who should wrap up to keep warm, your garden also needs some care now too. In late fall, you have to carefully prepare it for the coming cold months and complete 7 important tasks regarding gardening in November. Everything you do now will get your garden ready for the next spring!

Gardening in November: How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter?

what garden tasks should be done in november
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Fall is almost over and the cold winter weather is actively setting in, reminding you that it’s time to prepare your garden for the chilly days ahead. In this article, we will look at the 7 most important tasks regarding gardening in November that await you. Whether you are an experienced gardener or a beginner, there is something here for everyone.

How to Protect Plants from Frost?

plants to grow in fall before frost how to protect them
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When temperatures drop, it is important to protect sensitive plants in the garden from frost. If you have not already done so, you should now dig up the last tubers of dahlias, gladiolus and cannas and store them in a dry, sheltered place. Move potted and container plants into the greenhouse or garage and water them less so that they can grow during the resting period.

Plants that remain in garden beds should be protected with a thick layer of mulch made from compost or leaves so that they can thrive again in spring.

Delicate shrubs such as hydrangeas and roses that are susceptible to winter damage should now be covered with winter viles or burlap. This is important so that frost does not affect bud formation and the weight of snow does not break them.

Don’t forget the winter vegetables that need protection from the wind: bird’s lettuce, leeks, spinach and cabbage sprouts should be wrapped up if the temperatures are too harsh.

Compost Fall Leaves and Garden Waste

fall leaves collecting and composting
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Do not waste fallen leaves and garden waste. Use them to make nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

Collect leaves in a compost bin, mix with greens and other garden waste, mist lightly with water, and turn the pile regularly to promote decomposition.

Gardening in November: Turn Compost

To speed up the breakdown, it makes sense to turn the compost in November. It’s hard work, but worth it to improve decomposition and add some oxygen to the pile.

How to Improve the Soil in Late Fall?

Late fall is the best time to prepare the soil for the next year and replenish nutrients.

Adding organic matter to your garden in November gives it time to decompose and break down over the winter, improving root growth and biological activity.

Start by removing weeds, dead annual plants and debris. Turn the soil lightly with a garden fork and place a light layer of compost to prevent soil erosion. If you don’t have compost, simply cover the beds with fall leaves or wood chips, which will keep weeds at bay and slowly release nutrients.

Plant Spring Bloomers in Fall

plant bulbs in november
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There is still some planting work to be done in the ornamental garden. Spring flowers such as tulips, which grow from bulbs, should be planted in the ground now to ensure a magnificent display of blooms next year. Now that the perennials have been pruned, you can better plan the planting of tulips, daffodils and hyacinths and decide on the areas of your garden that need a splash of color.

How to Maintain a Lawn in Late Fall?

gardening in november
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Remove leaves from lawns, so they do not choke the grass and block light and air, which provides the best conditions for slugs and fungal diseases.

Since the lawn is already growing much more slowly, the last cut for this year takes place in November. Which are the fall lawn care mistakes and how to avoid them? Be careful not to mow the grass too short, otherwise you will get brown spots in winter.

Fertilize with a suitable fall fertilizer that is lower in nitrogen and higher in potassium, which will make the grass more robust and help it thrive through the winter.

Clean and Store Garden Equipment & Tools

Check your garden equipment and tools and make sure they are in good condition. Use a wire brush to remove dirt and rust from the metal parts.

Clean the underside of the lawn mower by scraping off any dried grass clippings. Make sure the collection bag is empty. If you have a gas lawn mower, drain it.

Sharpen scissors and other blades, and rub linseed oil on wooden handles to protect them from mold and rot.

Read also: What to Plant in a Vegetable Garden in November? – 7 Delicious Frost-Resistant Crops!

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