How to care for Cyclamen: How to look after the beautiful fall and winter bloomers all year round

by Kremy

September has arrived and with it one of the most popular beauties for the house and garden: the cyclamen. These pretty flowers adorn not only the beds outdoors, but also the windowsill. But although the care is relatively easy, not everyone manages to keep the plant alive for several months or to encourage new flowering. This is because many do not know exactly how to care for cyclamen – not only during flowering, but also afterwards. We summarize what needs to be considered.

How to take care for indoor Cyclamen properly?

Cyclamen care for beautiful blossoms every year

The cyclamen not only adorns with its beautiful flowers in different colors (white, pink, lilac, pink, red and two-tone), but also with its interesting leaves, which remind a little of ivy (hence the name ivy-leaved cyclamen). But so that the flower can present all this in full splendor and for a long time, the right care for the cyclamen is important. How to care for indoor cyclamen?

How to care for Cyclamen – Find the right place

The right spot for cyclamen should be light and cool


If the cyclamen doesn’t like the location, no matter how much effort, love and time you put into the rest of the care, the plant just won’t thrive. For this reason, first find her a nice spot. This should be as bright as possible, but free from direct sunlight and away from heating devices and heat. Sounds a bit difficult, doesn’t it? In general, it should be a window sill facing north or east, under which there is no radiator. The ideal temperatures for long flowering are 15 to 18 degrees, but there are also varieties that tolerate higher temperatures.

Note: If the buds are hanging down, this is a sign that it is too warm. As a result, the cyclamen can wither faster and sometimes even lose leaves.

Also read: Why Are Cyclamen Flowers Falling off? What Are the Conditions in Which the Plants Thrive?

How to care for Cyclamen: proper watering

How to take care for indoor Cyclamen properly

It is very important that you water the cyclamen properly. Not only the amount of water is important, but also the way you water the flower. How to water cyclamen properly?

  • First of all, if possible, the water should be low in lime.
  • Also make sure that it is neither too warm nor too cold. For this purpose, you can keep it in bottles so that it is at room temperature.
  • As long as the cyclamen is in bloom, the substrate should always be moist.
  • Avoid waterlogging. If you notice that the water is accumulating in the substrate and it remains wet for a long time, replace it with something more permeable. Ordinary potting soil should do.
  • Do not pour directly onto the substrate. Always fill the saucer (or planter) with water so that the plant can soak up the necessary amount of water itself.

Fertilizer promotes growth and sustains flowers

Cyclamen care for a long flowering period

The long flowering period drains the strength of the cyclamen, which is why you should always provide it with nutrients during this time. Proper fertilizer rates are important when caring for a cyclamen. It is best to fertilize once a week using liquid fertilizer of weak concentration. Mix with the irrigation water and administer by watering.

Caring for cyclamen: when and how to replace the old substrate

When and how you should repot cyclamen

Your plant can easily remain in one pot and substrate for two years until it is time to change it. The best time to put them in fresh potting soil is September, before flowering begins. Pay attention to how deep the tubers are in advance and be sure to maintain the depth in the new pot/substrate when you repot the cyclamen. Usually only two-thirds of the bulb is below the surface.

What do you do when the flower fades?

How to care for Cyclamen after flowering tips for the resting period

If you buy your cyclamen in September or later, it will be in full bloom. After all, that’s the only way it got your attention, right? The flowering period lasts until April – quite a long time during which, as described above, you should take care of the cyclamen. What about cyclamen care after flowering? So that the plant can also flower in the next season, a resting phase is particularly important, in which the care needs change:

  • While the flower needs moderately moist soil during the flowering phase, watering is reduced in the summer after flowering. This encourages new flowering in September.
  • Once the flowers have faded, stop fertilizing. A month and a half to two months later, it’s time for repotting every two years, after which you start fertilizing again, but only every two to three weeks.
  • During the summer months, when flowering is over, you should put the cyclamen outside. Choose a semi-shady, bright location. From May until the first frost, the plant feels most comfortable outdoors. Then bring the cyclamen back inside in the fall.

If you don’t have a garden but still want to put the plant outdoors, you can continue to care for the cyclamen on the balcony following our recommendations.

Are cyclamen hardy?

Some cyclamen are hardy and suitable for gardens

There are varieties that are hardy and can therefore be planted directly in the garden or in pots on the balcony. The hardy varieties differ in their flowering time. Some bloom as early as February, others in summer and then there are the fall cyclamens. If you combine several varieties and also take proper care of your cyclamen, you can enjoy the beautiful flowers all season long.




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