When & How to Prune Chrysanthemums in Ground & in Pots?

by Kristiyana

Why do chrysanthemums have long stems? Is this normal? How to maintain them so that they grow bushier? When to prune chrysanthemums?

There were no hints during summer that my chrysanthemum beds would look opulent in fall. Looking at their long, modest stems now, they look lost. Although they are not dense and compact, their colors are bright enough to pair with the focal hues of fall. I wonder how I earned this beauty, and I promised myself to prune my chrysanthemums like a pro. When and how to do it?

Why Should You Prune Chrysanthemums?

prune chrysanthemums maintain make bushy when to pinch why long stems

The heads of my chrysanthemums are flowering one by one. They reward their elongated stems, which seem to break with each strong breath of wind. But what could be the reason for the lack of bushiness of their flowers? Is adequate watering what guarantees the prosperity of these plants, or is it the result of sun exposure? Maybe it’s the pruning method at the right time that is crucial? What dictates their size?

Being a perennial plant, the chrysanthemum does not require too much maintenance. Pruning, on the other hand, is aimed at cleaning and can extend the life of the flower. Removing dry stems facilitates the free circulation of air between those that remain and allows them to “breathe”.

prune chrysanthemums garden let grow naturally stems become tall

Left to grow naturally in the garden, many varieties become tall and elongated in summer. Sometimes the slender plant produces flowers, which is not usual in warm weather. A well-known fact is that Chrysanthemum morifolium prefers freshness. Another disadvantage of the summer-flowering chrysanthemum is that the flowers quickly wither and turn brown from the heat. In fact, an air temperature of up to 15°C/59°F and a little more will prolong flowering for around two months.

Also read: How to Properly Care for Chrysanthemums? The Most Useful Tips on Growing Mums!

When to Prune Chrysanthemums in the Ground & in Pots?

when to prune chrysanthemums past flowering eliminate dry damaged stems

Once All Saints’ Day has passed and the flowering period with it, chrysanthemums in open ground must be freed from damaged and dry stems, and again in March, to give way to new shoots. For those who ask how to protect the remaining stems from the cold, I will tell them that mulch will play the vital role of protector. What will it be made of? Dead leaves, of course, there are thousands of them in the garden. How to use autumn leaves in the garden? This is why I do not vacuum them up with the shredder, but I leave them to rake and pile up on the beds.

how to prune chrysanthemums june crucial pruning bushy flowers

If your plant is potted, and you want it to have a bushy appearance in fall, June is crucial for pruning. At this time, it reaches around 30 cm/11.81 in, but that is enough. You don’t want it stretched out, so cut the stems back to half the height, i.e. 10-15 cm/4-6 in. Of course, this will delay flowering, but on the other hand, it will be lush once it comes.

How to Prune? Why Pinch and When?

when to pinch chrysanthemums pinching activity aim pruning abundant flowering short stems

Pinching is an activity that aims for pruning and abundant flowering on short stems. This is important for all plants. Watch how to pinch a chrysanthemum in the video below.

This gesture guarantees a dense plant throughout the season. How to carry out the pruning itself? Let’s learn how to prune these fall flowers!

Because they germinate in early spring and begin to grow loosely, bush-like, some varieties will flower too early and grow quite tall. Imagine in this case what will happen! The blooming flowers will exert some weight on the stems, and this will prove fatal. They will break. This is why pinching must be carried out and will give fullness to the plant. The best time is from early spring to mid-summer. Among other things, depending on the weather and the environment, the pinch date may be brought forward or postponed.

How Many Pinches to Carry Out for Opulent Flowering?

how to pinch chrysanthemums several pinching possible spring mid july

How do you keep stems from getting leggy? If the pinching process seems too drastic to you, you can surely let your chrysanthemums grow freely, wildly, with all their faults and peculiarities.

But if you choose to pinch, you still have to follow an order and a pattern.

First pinching: Start pinching the stems in spring when the plants have reached a height of about 15 cm/6 in tall. To pinch them, grasp a stem between your thumb and index finger about 5 to 8 cm/2 to 3 in above the base of the plant and just above a leaf and pinch. With manicure or not, it will be best to use a pair of sharp pruners or shears.

Second pinch: After the first pinch, new stems will emerge just below where you initially pinched. When they have reached 15 cm/6 inches in height, pinch them about 5 to 8 cm/2 to 3 in just above a leaf. Continue this process for each stem of the plant.

There may be a third and fourth pinching until mid-July, when you can stop pruning and let the plant grow and produce buds that will flower in fall. Do not overdo it, otherwise the number of flower buds will decrease.

Also read: What to Plant Next to Chrysanthemums? 10 Flower Ideas for Your Fall Exterior
