What to Clean Before the Heat Waves: 10 Strategic Places to Clean and Spend a Calm Summer

by Kremy

Perhaps you think that housework in the summer, during periods of high heat, is excluded. On one hand, it’s true because high temperatures do not stimulate physical activity very much. On the other hand, there are places and appliances in the house that call for cleaning that should not be neglected, and the proper time just falls in summer. Well, can’t wait to find out what to clean before the heat waves at home? Here’s the list!

What to Clean Before the Heat Waves? Choose the Proper Time of the Day

what to clean before heat waves high temperatures do not stimulating physical activities

It’s easy to resist the heat when you’re better prepared to deal with it. What can help you reduce the impact of extreme heat waves? If your terrace or balcony is protected by an appropriate awning, you have surely cleaned it a short time ago to enhance its effectiveness. What to clean before heat waves: the list of objects and tools to clean to fight the heat is long: interior blinds, shutters, fans (ceiling or cool mist), air conditioner and cooler filters.

clean awning summer heat protection


So that the food does not get bad in the middle of summer, it is necessary to clean the fridge and the freezer.

The first heat wave passed, we have a few days to organize ourselves for the following ones. And it is better do that in the morning, while the air is still fresh!

Clean the Windows to Better Protect Them

dirty windows darken the room considerably

It is a well-known fact that dirty windows darken a room considerably. That shouldn’t be the reason to skip cleaning them. Clean them and lower the blinds to block sunlight and reduce interior heat. If you are away during the day, shade the windows before you leave in the morning.

dust wood metal shutters what to clean before heat waves

In case you have wooden or metal shutters, dust them so they don’t accumulate grime and transfer it to the windows.

Air Filters Must Be Clean

check air leaks clean air conditioning filter

Check for air leaks and clean the air conditioning filter. Adjust window units. Homes with central air conditioning must be well sealed to prevent cool air from escaping. Check the condition of weather stripping around doors and windows and seal any apparent air leaks. The air conditioning filter must be clean, for better efficiency.

what to clean before heat waves check filter parts air conditioners

In rooms with window-mounted air conditioners, check that the unit fits snugly to the window and that there are no major air leaks.

clean ceiling fan wings with damp cloth

Clean the wings of the ceiling fan with a clean, damp cloth so that it does not spread dust while working.

What to Clean Before the Heat Waves: Check the Condition of Your Fridge!

clean fridge compartments and sections

To prevent stale food, you should clean all compartments and sections of the fridge. Choose fresh meals, and try to remove bad odors. If you feel bad smell throughout the house, try to locate it and eliminate it, as it makes a poisonous combination with the heat. Wash the trash can with a chemical cleaner.

Degrease the Microwave and the Oven

what to clean at home before heat waves degrease microwave avoid smoke

Although light summer food like a salad often replaces the main dish, zucchini pizza are tempting. So, what to clean before the heat waves at home? Logically, the oven and the microwave need to be degreased. You don’t want the rooms filling up with smoke from burning grease. You need just 5 minutes to clean the microwave!

As for the oven, its maintenance influences the taste of meals.

clean the oven to avoid smoke

Finally, do not neglect diligent and scrupulous cleaning of the bathroom given the frequency of its use during heat waves.



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