The benefits of indoor plants – Why are they so important for our home

by Kremy

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It is a well known fact, that one of benefits of indoor plants is to help us in the interior design of our homes – they make it more interesting, more attractive and comfortable. But in addition to these purely aesthetic functions in-house greenery have some other advantages. They create a pleasant and quiet environment for the residents. A favorable environment can have a positive effect on the mood of people.

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Most people feel more comfortable around a few green plants. They appeal to us with their freshness. For many of us it is more successful to overcome stressful life moments when we are in a natural environment. The houseplants also play an important role in the healthy climate in our home, they reduce the noise in the rooms, it is quieter and more comfortable without having high tones and reverberant sounds. Thanks to the green room design our positive emotions are stimulated. According to recent researches the green space design has a strong influence on all occupants. People who live and work in areas with flowers are more productive, get sick rarely and make fewer mistakes in their work. The green friends can also have a positive influence on people with a particular disease. Other benefits of indoor plants are that their presence improves the results in learning which makes them a must in a student’s room.

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Benefits of indoor plants – it has long been known that vegetation improve the house climate. Clean the air, reduce carbon dioxide levels and humidity. They help to reduce the concentration of certain pollutants such as benzene and nitrogen dioxide. Further to that greenery substantially reduces the level of dust concentration in the air and help to maintain lower temperatures in the room during the summer months. Therefore it improves our environment and care for the maintenance of the necessary comfort.

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Plants have long been used for noise barrier around congested roads and highways. Recent studies indicate another benefit  – they reduce background noise levels inside buildings. Their leaves absorb, refract or reflect background noise, making our environment peaceful and relaxing. There are plants that are good in absorption of high frequency. Now you are probably fully convinced that the advantages of indoor plants are innumerable and you need a lot of nice house plants. What are you waiting for? Where is the nearest florist?

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