Coronavirus prevention: how to care for someone with Covid-19 at home?

by Kremy

coronavirus prevention when we take care of a person with covid19

Can you be in contact with someone who has covid-19 without being infected? Well, having in mind the ways of transmission of coronavirus, the risk of infection is always present and the longer the contact, the more the danger increases. And this is why social isolation is strongly advised. However, living with a family member who has been diagnosed with covid-19 is entirely possible if you take some precautions. If you are taking care of someone infected with the virus, here are our tips for coronavirus prevention in order to limit the risks of getting infected!

Coronavirus prevention when living with someone diagnosed with covid-19

how to disinfect the house in case of coronavirus


We remind you that covid-19 is transmitted by respiratory droplets from the nose or mouth, when a person carrying the disease sneezes or coughs on you or on surfaces that you will subsequently touch. Another way for coronavirus spread is the contact of unwashed hands contaminated with droplets. This is why, the good disinfection of the house, vehicle and your hands is of crucial importance to limit the risks of contamination.

In fact, according to the latest studies, the virus responsible for Covid-19 is more transmissible by contact with respiratory droplets than by air. As for its lifespan, it depends on several factors.

Only one person to provide care

measures coronavirus prevention advice for caregivers when we take care of a sick

But when caring for someone with coronavirus, adopting some habits and social distancing measures becomes one of the most difficult tasks. However, caregivers advise limiting your contact when caring for someone diagnosed with covid-19. In other words, they consider that the person providing the care must be in good health. This individual must not use the same personal items neither the same bathroom, as the patient. The latter must, in turn, close the toilet cover before flushing the toilet.

Make sure you follow these rules strictly

tips for precaution and measures when we care for a person with coronavirus

If you are at risk, you should not take care of someone with covid-19. This applies to older people and those with chronic problems (heart or lung disease) or a weak immune system. If you cannot keep a minimum distance of 2 meters from the sick person, wearing a face mask, disposable gloves and glasses is a must!

how to care for someone with Covid 19 at home coronavirus prevention measures

After giving care, throw away gloves and mask immediately. Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in contact with the sick person and after removing your protective equipment. Dry your hands with disposable paper towels. If you don’t have any, opt for a reusable towel and replace it when it gets wet. In some cases, you can use wipes or a homemade hand sanitizer. Once your hands are properly disinfected, you can touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Keep a sterile and clean environment

cleaning and disinfecting when we take care of a sick person covid 19

Whether you care for someone diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus or not, masks, gloves and eye protection guarantee optimal coronavirus prevention. After wearing them, it is essential to throw them in a plastic-lined waste container filled with alcohol or a chlorine product. As for potentially contaminated clothing, place it in a plastic-lined laundry container and avoid shaking it.

Monitor your symptoms

tips for caring for a person diagnosed with coronavirus

Following the listed precautions and be sure to watch for symptoms. If you have any doubts about your health after being in direct contact with the body fluids of the infected person (coughing and sneezing) while not wearing a mask, contact your doctor for further instructions. If you notice any coronavirus symptoms, isolate yourself as soon as possible and contact your doctor.

Obtain the following products and materials

products and materials to care for someone with coronavirus at home

  • Disposable paper towels
  • Protective face mask
  • Safety glasses
  • Disposable gloves
  • Antibacterial or alcohol-soaked wipes
  • Waste container lined with plastic
  • Thermometer
  • Antibacterial soap
  • Disinfectant
  • Ordinary laundry soap
  • Cleaning and disinfectant products (bleach, alcohol)




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