Creative garden decoration – Transform old chairs with flower pots

by Kremy

garden decoration chairs with flower pots purple

Check out these creative ideas for garden decoration and transform the old chair into a planter with an interesting design. This unusual idea was a tribute to the pop art movement. In any case, this decoration idea is easy to implement and will give your outdoors a personal touch.

garden decoration chairs flower pots white


The chairs are an inseparable part of our interior, but unfortunately can not be used forever. But after the chair has already served its time, you do not throw it away. Use this opportunity to craft an unusual garden decoration.

garden decoration chairs succulents

The chairs that are a garden decoration idea which fits perfectly in the outdoor space. With more imagination and creativity, you can also convert other chair designs with flower pots. The easiest way would be to drill a hole in the chair seat. It should be large enough for a flower pot so that once it is inside, it is stable and does not move. As an alternative, you can immediately remove the whole seat and attach a larger plant container in the frame of the chair. You can also transform the chair into a container for a plant or arrange many species of flowers inside.

garden decoration chairs transformation flower pots red

The drilling of a hole in the chair seat can only be the first step for this interesting garden decor. Many chairs have extravagant decorative elements or regarded as genuine antiques. Although the furniture looks worn out in this style, it should be carefully maintained. The chair is standing outside, which automatically means a suspension on the natural elements. Therefore, always lay a protective layer of varnish on the chair surface. If you prefer a fresh, new look for your garden decor, you color the chair in bright and vibrant colors.  Show creativity and add folk motifs as a decoration for the chair.

garden decoration old chairs brown

After you have finished decorating the garden with the conversion of the chair, you can display this quite proud in outdoors or on the porch. You can turn the chair into a mini garden, by arranging various succulent plants. Depending on the style in your garden, you can also opt for some delicate and elegant flowers. The unique transformation is a delightful way to implement the principles of sustainability, in fact. Be creative and design an eco-friendly decoration for your garden.

DIY old chairs with flower pots statue

ideas chairs with flower pots black

DIY ideas old chairs

DIY ideas chairs flower pots

DIY garden decoration chairs flower pots blue

gchairs flower pots vintage
DIY garden decoration chairs flower pots rustic

ideas chairs flower pots multicolored

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