How to lose weight during menopause: here are the best tips to lose weight as you age!

by Kremy

Issues such as weight loss and healthy eating occupy us throughout our lives. It doesn’t matter whether we are 20, 30 or 50 years old – unfortunately losing weight is not as easy as we would like it to be. But after a certain age it becomes even more difficult to lose those unwanted pounds and stay in shape. Are you a woman in your mid-40s or mid-50s? Do you somehow feel like you gain weight no matter what you do? Perhaps you have already tried all kinds of diets, but still nothing happens on the scales? Many women wonder why you gain weight during menopause and how you might lose weight during menopause. That’s why we’re here for you! We’ve looked around for you and here are some of the best tips to help you lose weight as you age!

Why do we gain weight during menopause?

Weight loss during menopause tips lose belly fat after 50

Losing weight isn’t easy, but it’s a huge challenge for women going through menopause. Okay, but why do we gain weight during menopause in the first place? Menopause is a time of hormonal changes in women and the 12 months after the last menstrual period are called menopause. This is when estrogen levels begin to drop while testosterone levels rise, and often this hormonal change is to blame for weight gain during menopause. This also leads to a change in the distribution of fat and instead of being stored on the legs, buttocks and hips, fat tends to be stored on the abdomen. In addition, we begin to lose more muscle mass over the years and our metabolic rate decreases. So if you eat the same amount as before, weight gain during menopause is inevitable.

How to lose weight during menopause: Find the motivation

Keep fit in old age tips lose weight during menopause


Menopause, while challenging, is also comfortable. Once we reach a certain age, we often tend to become more sedentary. Instead of going jogging, we prefer to stay on the couch and watch our favorite series. That’s a good thing, of course, and relaxation is good for our mind. But if you want to lose weight during menopause, you should also find the motivation to do so. Try to address the issues that are preventing you from staying fit. However, here too it is the smallest things that have the greatest impact. First, give up all the sweets, reduce your alcohol intake, and you will have taken around 200-300 calories less. Find someone to accompany you on your weight loss journey. Maybe your partner also wants to get rid of the winter fat? Then exercise together or cook healthier meals together.

Sport and exercise to stay fit in old age

Sport in old age to lose weight

When you want to lose weight during the menopause, you simply cannot avoid the topic of sport and exercise. But don’t worry – you don’t have to exercise for hours to lose weight. The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise and 70-80 minutes of active exercise for healthy adults. Suitable sports for women in old age would be, for example, swimming, cycling, tennis or yoga. Pilates exercises are also a gentle way to lose weight during menopause.

what sports to practice during menopause to lose weight

In order to lose weight during menopause, we need to move every day. More exercise stimulates the metabolism and digestion and thus stimulates weight loss during menopause. However, if you don’t want to torture yourself at the gym every day, walk more. Leave the car at home more often or take the stairs. Longer walks are also ideal for enjoying the fresh air and burn a few extra calories.

Eat less calories

How to lose weight during menopause what is suitable diet

This may be too obvious, but many people actually consume more calories than they think. It’s sad but true – as we age our metabolism slows down and our body needs fewer calories to maintain weight. That means you have to eat less just to stay where you are. So in order to lose weight during menopause, you need to eat (or otherwise burn) about 300-500 calories less. The amount of energy you should consume depends on different factors, but on average it is around 1300-1400 calories. Now, don’t drive yourself crazy by counting every single calorie. Try to avoid high-calorie foods such as bread, chips and sweet drinks.

Lose weight during menopause: More protein and less carbohydrates

Protein diet advantages weight loss during menopause tips

It doesn’t matter how old we are – the more muscle mass we have, the higher the fat burning rate. However, as we age, we lose muscle mass and if we don’t do something about it, we will eventually gain weight. A protein-rich diet is crucial for building muscle, and protein-rich foods keep you feeling full for longer. So if we stay full longer, we automatically consume less calories. Excellent sources of protein that should be a regular part of your menopausal diet are chicken meat, fish, eggs and legumes. On the other hand, you should reduce your carbohydrate intake a little and the low-carb diet has been considered a real secret weapon against the excess weight for years. What matters most is which carbohydrates you consume. Foods such as white flour products, pasta or white rice should rather be the exception. Instead, choose whole grain products as an alternative.

Probiotic foods for a healthy intestinal flora

Probiotic food benefits during menopause

Probiotics are essential for intestinal health and this is often underestimated during menopause. The healthy bacteria strengthen our defences, help with numerous complaints and help building up a balanced intestinal flora. A healthy gut, in turn, stimulates the metabolism and can thus make it easier to lose weight during menopause. And no, you don’t need overpriced supplements or pills to meet your probiotic needs. Instead, add probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut or soft cheese to your diet. Sour pickles should be on your menu as well.

Probiotic foods weight loss after 50 during menopause
