Stewardess Diet or Natman Diet: The Complete Menu to Lose 4 Kilos in 4 Days

by Kremy

This weight loss diet comes in several variations and very often we have difficulty in making the choice. In the majority of cases, when people are looking to get rid of excess weight, they tend to be particularly impatient. But is it possible to lose the weight as quickly as we gain it? A new eating plan that’s going viral right now may be the answer, and with good reason. Known as the “Stewardess diet”, it is promises to help you lose 4 kilos in 4 days. Spotlight on the Natman diet and the menu to follow!

What Exactly Is the Natman Diet? Is It Risk Free?

stewardess diet or natman menu 4 days menu risks for health

Can you lose weight in 4 days? Yes, thanks to the Natman diet which lasts exactly four days and the menu includes three daily low-calorie and protein meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. This food program is also called the “Stewardess Diet” since the flight attendants take advantage of their four days off to get rid of the small excesses accumulated during meals on the plane.

The Natman diet menu is particularly restrictive, which is its biggest drawback. But considering that it helps to lose 4 kilos in 4 days, restrictions are quite normal. This food program for weight loss is based on the elimination of all fats (good and bad), starchy foods and fast sugars. Carbohydrates and dairy products are also banned. The same applies for seasonings during cooking, which keeps salt, pepper and oils in the cupboard. In other words, you should only consume fiber and protein.

weight loss lose weight in 4 days natman diet health risks


Is the Natman diet safe? Although it is quite restrictive, this food program does not pose great risks to human health. Since this is a very short regime, lasting only four days, the possibility of deficiencies occurring is limited. However, it is advisable to consult a health professional (doctor or certified nutritionist) before you start it with your eyes closed.

The “stewardess” diet is not recommended for individuals who spend too much energy during the day, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly and those with health problems.

4 Days Natman Diet Menu

lose 4 kilos in 4 days natman diet menu

To allow such an effective and rapid weight loss, the Natman diet is based on a diet rich in protein which excludes alcohol, carbohydrates and all types of fats. On the other hand, vegetables and meat are allowed in abundance. At the risk of repeating ourselves, seek medical advice before you start. To successfully lose weight quickly and achieve satisfactory results, it is essential to follow the Natman diet menu strictly and not to replace foods.

Before revealing the menu day by day, let’s clarify that breakfast is always the same and consists of coffee or tea without sugar and 1/2 grapefruit. Here are the other meals:

Day 1:

Lunch: Fat-free grilled steak with lettuce and tomato salad. As a reminder, vegetables are unlimited. An apple for dessert.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, steamed green beans without seasonings and half a grapefruit.

Day 2:

Lunch: Grilled steak (still without any fat), lettuce and a large glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: You have the choice between steamed zucchini or cauliflower. Green beans and unsweetened applesauce.

Day 3:

Lunch: Fat-free grilled steak, lettuce, celery and an apple for dessert.

Dinner: Grilled chicken without fat, stewed tomatoes, a large glass of prune juice.

Day 4:

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, green beans, a large glass of tomato juice.

Dinner: Fat-free grilled steak, lettuce and a glass of sugar-free pineapple juice.

It is strongly recommended not to follow the Natman diet for more than four days and to carry out a stabilization phase at the end in order to avoid gaining weight afterwards.

Some Helpful Tips for a Successful Stewardess Diet

natman diet to lose 4 kilos in 4 days meal plan

To lose 4 kilos in 4 days thanks to the Natman diet, it is also important to follow some simple rules. First, it is essential to drink plenty of water – advice that is an integral part of all diets. Second, stop snacks in order to successfully lose weight effectively and maintain a healthy weight. Finally, avoid major physical load since you simply won’t have enough energy.



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