Balcony privacy protection – ideas with wood, plants and awnings

by Kremy

privacy protection balcony great folding screen balcony plants

Balconies are intended to give apartment dwellers an additional living space, fresh air and, for some lucky people, a beautiful view. One of the drawbacks of the apartment is the limited privacy. While you are enjoying the sun on the balcony, you may feel exposed. In most cases, each neighbor can look at your terrace, so you will need some balcony privacy protection. There are several options which include wooden structures, plants for screening and climbing plants.

balcony privacy protection wooden lattice roof deck


High plants on the terrace add a visually interesting appearance as well as provide the balcony privacy protection. Do not buy the tallest plants. Instead, choose plants that you can watch grow and enjoy them. They must vary in size, so you arrange the higher plants in the first place, so that they may block the view of neighbors partially. You might want to add some hanging plants too.

privacy protection balcony awning blinds sunshades

Balcony railings are not much taller than waist height generally. However, panels can offer some balcony privacy protection, when the residents can relax in a comfortable chair. Simple curtains can be hung with rods or hooks and removed for cleaning when needed. Fabrics allow you to enjoy the view while the terrace is protected from prying eyes. Dense curtains would block the views of the neighbors, but they can also block the light and the view from the inside.

balcony privacy protection white wooden fence panel

A screen on the terrace offers a degree of privacy as well as a decorative touch to your outdoor space. Outdoor partitions can be found in a wide range of materials, shapes and colors.

Also read: Protect Plants During Chilly Overnight Weather: How to Shelter and Help Them Survive?
Best Screening Plants – 20 Plants to Protect Your Privacy Outdoors

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privacy protection balcony balcony plants parasol railings

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balcony ideas privacy protection glass roof


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