Why You Should Use Cuticle Oil in the Summer? 5 Remarkable Benefits for Your Nails!

by Kristiyana

Putting in efforts to take proper care of your nails is a must, and this should be done all year round. You might think that you have to take special measures to protect your nails only during the harsh cold temperatures brought up by winter, but the season of summer posses a lot of treats for your healthy manicure as well. Exposure to strong heats and summer activities like swimming and travelling can do a lot of damage to the health of your nails. What to know how to properly take care of them during the hot days? Why you should absolutely apply cuticle oil in the summer? Just keep on reading!

Why You Should Use Cuticle Oil in the Summer?

when should you use cuticle oil is it ok to use cuticle oil everyday

During the summer season, your nails are constantly exposed to hot and dry weather and harmful UV rays. Not only that, but a lot of people start taking up different summer-based hobbies like swimming in the ocean and sea, gardening, travelling by plane, etc. If your nails are not protected or cared for, you run the risk of ruining your manicure and having soft, brittle and split nails. Which manicure care technique can you apply to prevent this? Nail care experts advise that one of the best things you can do for the health of your nails is to apply cuticle oil to them every night. This will keep your cuticles from drying out in summer, and hence prevent your nail polish from chipping and peeling. But what other benefits can cuticle oil have for your nails?

The Many Benefits of Using Cuticle Oil Daily

cuticle oil benefits cuticle oil for nails


Cuticle oil is rich in many beneficial ingredients for your nails like avocado oil, almond oil, coconut oil, and vitamins A, E, D and B.  These of course vary depending on the product, but most options feature the mentioned healthy-nail ingredients. So, how does using them daily affect your nails?

You Encourage Healthy Nail Growth

Exposure to summer heat, constant soaking in water and recycled aeroplane air can lead to dehydrated nails. A dehydrated nail plate can cause nail chipping and splitting. Massaging cuticle oil every night will increase the circulation to your nail matrix. A hydrated nail matrix will result in healthy nail growth and stronger nail plates.

Extra Soft Cuticles with Cuticle Oil

If you prefer doing your nails at home, you shouldn’t skip your cuticles. Maybe you can avoid cutting them on your own, as they serve as an important barrier to infection, and any improper care can lead to problems with your nails. Instead of cutting them, you can make them extra soft and push them back. Do this by first soaking your nails in a mix of warm water and a little cuticle oil for a few minutes. Your cuticles should be much softer after and easier to push back.

How Can Cuticle Oil Help with Infections?

Having a manicure done with unsanitized tools can lead to infections of the skin around the base of your nails. These can be quite painful and unpleasant. How to prevent them? A lot of cuticle oil products have natural antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can serve to protect your skin from infections. Look for such a product and apply it regularly.

Apply Cuticle Oil in the Summer for a Lasting Manicure

Who wouldn’t want to make their stunning summer manicure last a little longer? You probably have noticed how your manicurist slathers your nails with oils at the end of your appointment. They don’t do this just because they are playing by the book, but as cuticle oil prevents your manicure from chipping, drying and losing its gloss and shine. Applying cuticle oil in the summer will prolong the lifespan of your beautiful mani.

Recovering from Gels & Acrylics with Cuticle Oil

Yeah, gel nails and acrylics are fun and beautiful, but you should take a break from them every now and then. Experts advise taking a break from gel once every eight weeks, and for acrylics every three to six months. During this time, it’s important that you let your nails recover and improve their health. While you are leaving your nails bare, always remember to massage a thin layer of cuticle oil into them every night. Trying a Japanese style manicure is also a great way to improve the health of your nails while they are resting from gels and acrylics.

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