Top Flower Bulbs to Plant in Spring: 7 Species That Will Please Your Eye Next Summer

by Kremy

As fall arrives, it's time to start thinking about what our gardens will look like in the next season. While spring blooming varieties are planted in fall, there are many species that do not tolerate frost and will not survive winter. What flower bulbs to plant in spring and enjoy all summer long? 

Flower Bulbs to Plant in Spring - Tips for Beginners

what flower bulbs to plant in spring tips for beginners   Image: seyfutdinovaolga/Envato Elements

Bulbous flowers are loved by many gardeners, florists and landscape designers. They impress with their beauty and variety and fill your flowerbed with freshness and colors. Very often they are grown in containers and decorate balconies, as well as living spaces. Bulbous plants are an ideal solution even for novice gardeners, because they are quite unpretentious.

When to plant your bulbs? You need to keep in mind that climatic conditions vary from country to country. The general rule is to plant bulbs in the ground when the ground warms up to 50-60 F/10-15 ° C, and there are no frosts. Here is a list of some of the most beautiful varieties!

The Majestic Elephant Ears Plant

elephant ear plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors Image: Rawpixel/Envato Elements

If you are looking for a low maintenance plant, opt for Elephant ears. It is undemanding, grows quickly and is a great choice for beginners. Look for Elephant ear bulbs for sale in nurseries or garden centers. Place the plant in a light or slightly shaded area. It needs nutritious soil so it is best to buy a ready mix from the nursery. If you plant it in a container indoors, Elephant ears can be grown as a single plant or in a composition with other plants.


when to plant dahlias Image: Sonyachny/Envato Elements

Dahlias are completely unpretentious in care, grow quickly, bloom abundantly and always delight gardeners with a variety of shapes and colors. In mid-May, different types of dahlias are planted in the ground to a depth of about 7-11 inches/20-30 cm. Dahlias grow well both in the sun and in semi-shade, but they should be protected from strong winds and waterlogging, and should not be planted close to trees with a strong root system.


Gladioluses are loved for their original appearance: tall and amazingly beautiful, they will adorn any garden. They bloom from the first summer days until September. For gladiolus choose an open, sunny area. Like dahlias, they please with a variety of colors.


flower bulbs to plant in spring ranunculus buttercup Image: Manuta/Envato Elements

Ranunculus or buttercup is another loved flower with spring planted bulbs. It will turn any site into a colorful flowering meadow. Plants are extremely undemanding to care and look simply stunning in flowerbeds or containers. Ranunculus is a light-loving plant, so it feels better in sunny places.


If you are looking for a low maintenance, unpretentiousness plant that offers long and lush blooming, go for Astilbes. You can plant Astilbes in spring - from March to May. Astilbe prefers semi-shaded spots. It is a moisture-loving plant and requires regular and abundant watering.


Irises are perfect for any flowerbed and plot. When to plant your bulbs? First of all, pay attention to the soil - it needs to warm up enough. In warm regions you can plant iris at the end of March while in areas with colder climate, it is better to wait until the middle or end of April. The plant needs loose and neutral soil and should be protected from winds.


colorful begonia for your garden Image: Studio_OMG/Envato Elements

If you still wonder what flower bulbs to plant in spring, think about begonias! The tender blooming varieties look very much like roses. Begonias are suitable for growing in flowerbeds, balcony containers or hanging flower pots. The plants are unpretentious and low maintenance which makes them the perfect choice for beginner gardeners.

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