Front yard design – ideas for gardening and landscaping

by Kremy

Flower Pond front yard design

The front yard is the face of a house. A beautiful, well-kept and blooming area immediately catches the eye. Just as the house it should be sweet, neat and inviting. The front yard design is a result of a careful planning. Whether a green lawn, flower beds, a dwarf garden or just gravel – is important that it gives a good overall impression of the house and the garden.

Stones in the garden collection flowers evergreen plants


The front yard offers several possibilities for individual design, which will emphasize your style. If space allows, it may be used as an extension of the living space outdoors by a comfortable wooden bench or a pergola, placed in front of the house. On a larger garden area ponds and waterfalls can also be created. High shrubs such as pines can form a natural wall around the house and serve as a visual barrier. In the front yard design you can incorporate stones in any form – as flooring, flower beds border, path edges, low natural stone walls or separation between the road and flower beds. Plant low grasses and herbs between the stones to give the impression of a garden in the country house style. If the light and soil conditions allow it, even extravagant or exotic plant species can be grown.

front yard design landscape planning gardening tips

There are no limits for the front yard design and planting. Evergreen trees and colorful flowers create beautiful contrasts in the garden. A great addition would be vines or climbing roses. Slow-growing trees create a tranquil outdoor area that is pleasing the eyes. Whether you are planning a new or redesigning your front yard, it is important to note that an optical transition from the house to the garden is created. Not only for safety, but also for beauty reasons, the garden lighting is an important component of the design.

front yard ideas outdoor garden furniture

Garden seating area paver flooring

garden path pavers pergola

Well maintained front yard landscape

Landscaping front yard design shrubs and herb plants

front yard green lawn

Garden Fence lawn Blooming Flowers

Green lawn front ideas

Plants for front yard landscaping ideas

Ideas Flower Pots

Front Yard Ideas for attractive design

Lush front yard planting


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