Garden gravel paths design – Ideas for a gravel path in the garden

by Kremy

garden paths design Ideas gravel path in the garden

The gravel in the garden can be an excellent addition to any landscape. Whether you need a formal look or a relaxed charm, here you will find ideas for garden gravel paths design which will suit every style.

gravel path in garden stone border plants garden path ideas


Garden gravel paths design will show you how you can give your garden a character and also easily maintain your landscape. Here the stone border keeps the gravel away from the planting areas, where they do not harm the informal look.

 gravel path in garden stone border

Swinging along the colorful plantings, creative garden gravel paths design helps to integrate the rock garden with the lawn and simultaneously acts as a buffer between them. The casual curve of the road brings a relaxed feeling, while the gravel is easy to apply and maintain.

garden gravel paths ideas natural stones

One of the best things about gravel paths is that they do not need to follow any particular contours. This garden has a gravel road with a variety of branches and details, allowing the guests to choose their own path through the garden. Beautiful flower beds extend to parts of the walkway and give the visitors a feeling as if they were right in the heart of the garden.

garden gravel paths ideas boulders plants border

Give your garden path a relaxed charm with a few informal curves and a border made of rock stones in different sizes. Here smooth river stones surround the way, where the different shapes create a casual look.

garden gravel paths design rustic look

Gravel paths are ideal, because they look like as if they belong to nature. The rustic-looking path is surrounded by plants to give the guests the feeling that they are enjoying a walk through a forest.

garden gravel paths design formal design boxwood hedges

The pebbles can also be easily used for a formal garden. The neat box hedges are the framework for the gravel path and create a great charm with straight lines and strict symmetry.

garden gravel path ideas stone balls natural look

A gravel path in the garden could be the perfect addition. Here two stone balls at the beginning of the path attract the visitors. With blooming vegetation around the path and a sidewalk with a natural appeal, this garden has a charming appearance.

original garden gravel paths design plants squares

The gravel paths make it easy for you to move in the garden and mark out the plant beds. The straight lines and formal edges are softened with the pebbles.


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