5 Easy Organic Ways To Naturally Restore Collagen In The Face

by Stephanie Yankova

If you, like me, spend most of your free time scrolling through social media, you understand the pressure of having perfect-looking skin. You see yet another model with perfectly glowing, dewy skin promoting the latest skincare routine worth hundreds of dollars promising miraculous anti-aging results. Let’s be honest, not all of us have the bank accounts that can allow us to splurge on the latest high tech anti-aging serum, or maybe you’re looking for more holistic alternatives that don’t include half of the periodic table. So what’s the solution? Don’t worry, you’re not doomed to remain wrinkled for the rest of your life! In this article we are going to look at 5 effective ways to naturally restore the collagen in your face, so no more avoiding close-up photos!

What is Collagen?


Collagen is a word that’s been tossed around in the makeup and skincare campaigns for as long as I can remember with very little annotation attached to it. This is the richest and one of the most important proteins in the body, also named by many ‘’the fountain of youth’’. It acts as the foundation that holds our skin cells together. That way our skin retains its structure and elasticity. Collagen is present not only in our skin, but also muscles, bones, blood vessels and the digestive system. Once we reach the age of 20, our collagen levels decline and the first signs of mature skin, like sagginess, wrinkles, and joint stiffness begin to emerge. Now that we know that, the key question is how do we battle the signs of aging?

Natural Ways to Rebuild Collagen in your Face



Our bodies stop producing collagen after a certain age, making its upkeep a major priority. However, this should not be a reason for you to give into the hype and buy the most expensive anti-aging cream on the market. Here are some easy organic ways to keep your skin healthy and wrinkle-free!


This may sound too simple and easy, but we’ve probably all heard the saying that good skin starts from within. Over 60% of the human body is water and maintaining well-balanced levels of daily water intake can have great health benefits, as well as positive results on the elasticity of one’s skin by gradually tightening it. As we age, it gets harder for our bodies to retain water, so it’s advised to consume at least 2L of water a day. If you’re struggling to do that, a good equivalent are foods rich in water, like watermelon, cucumber, or strawberries. Not only are they just as effective, but also produce extra moisture, which creates an extremely hospitable environment for collagen to thrive in!

Vitamin C

We’ve been told from an early age that Vitamin C is good for our health as it keeps our immune system strong. It wasn’t until I started doing more research on the subject after getting my first wrinkles, that I found out the crucial role it plays in the production of collagen in your body. Both the outer and inner layers (epidermis and dermis) of our skin contain Vitamin C which acts as a shield from ultraviolet light and sun damage. Whilst there are many face creams with Vitamin C on the market, it may not be the most effective option for you as it doesn’t always get efficiently absorbed. A much better way to procure it is through food sources like citrus fruit, green or red peppers, and broccoli. Alternatively, you can also take Vitamin C supplements that also boost collagen production.

Aloe Vera

Vastly known for its healing properties, Aloe Vera is a powerful cell-growth stimulator. The best thing you can do is to get a fresh plant and peel it in order to reveal its miraculous gel. Applying Aloe Vera extract to one’s skin is a proven method to restore the collagen in the face and promote skin elasticity. Not only that, Aloe Vera also contains a number of amino acids, such as B1, B3, B6 and C vitamins that prevent the formation of wrinkles.


In the last few decades ginseng has become a popular ingredient in skincare products. Its history goes back thousands of years and studies have discovered that it has a positive effect on cellular stiffness, meaning that it helps increase the production of collagen and elastin. It also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help maintain a functional skin barrier, increasing the production of moisture. The easiest ways to access the properties of this wonderful plant is by teas, tinctures, or food supplements.

Bone Broth

Have you ever wondered why your grandmother always made you chicken soup when you were sick? The key is in the bone broth collagen’s healing qualities! It provides all of the important amino acids that your body requires to maintain skin moisture and firmness, as well as to form blood cells, muscles, and tissues. Different types of bone broth are used for different health needs. Include grass-fed beef bone broth into your bedtime skincare regimen for the best benefits in order to restore collagen in the face and minimize wrinkles and fine lines!

Also read: When to Start Retinol? How To Choose It? Here’s the Ultimate Guide!

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