How to Wash Swimsuits Properly Without Losing Color and Quality

by Kremy

A well-chosen swimsuit allows you to look spectacular and confident. But, like with other things, you need to take care of it. How to wash swimsuits properly? Should you wash your swimsuit after every use? Can you wash bathing suits in the washing machine? We shall answer all these questions!

Should You Wash Your Swimsuit After Every Use?

How to Wash Swimsuits Properly Without Losing Color and Quality

If you want your swimsuit to last as long as possible, it must be washed or rinsed with water after each use. Wrong washing can turn a beautiful swimsuit into an unsightly rag. There is an opinion that there is no need to wash a swimsuit at all, because it is constantly in the water. However, it is wrong. The swimsuit is very quickly contaminated with the secrets of our body, the numerous creams and lotions that we put on ourselves. In addition, the water in which we swim does not contribute to the long life of a swimsuit. Salty sea water ruins the structure of the fabric while chlorine weakens the fabric and over time swimsuits literally crumble.

What Is the Best Way to Wash Swimsuits?

What Is the Best Way to Wash Swimsuits


Bathing suits are made of fabrics with different quality. Before washing you should carefully read their labels. However, there are a few universal rules that apply to all products.

Wash Swimwear By Hand

Wash Swimwear By Hand

It is best to wash your swimwear by hand. Make sure not to rub too vigorously or the fabric will stretch. Manipulate the fabric as gentle as possible, especially when there is no visible contamination. If the label allows machine washing, then you need to choose a manual or delicate mode with a minimum number of spins.

Should You Wash Your Swimsuits with Detergent?

Should You Wash Your Swimsuits with Detergent

Very often plain water is enough to clean a swimsuit, especially when it is used on a daily basis. In this case, washing it with detergent once or twice a week is enough. It is best to use special products that are designed for swimwear. They clean gently and do not damage the fabric.

Can You Bleach Swimsuits?

Can You Bleach Swimsuits

Bleach is strictly prohibited for swimwear. The Elastane in the fabric does not tolerate strong agents.

Can You Wash Swimwear in Cold Water?

Can You Wash Swimwear in hot Water

Swimwear is washed in warm water. Its temperature should not exceed 35C/ 95 F degrees.

Do You Have to Soak Swimwear?

Do You Have to Soak Swimwear

Swimming suits can be soaked, but only in clean water. Wash them for about five. This is enough to clean the fabric. A mild laundry detergent can be shampoo, shower gel, or liquid hand soap.

How to Wash Swimsuits by Hand – Step by Step Instructions

How to Wash Swimsuits by Hand Step by Step

  • Rinse your swimsuit thoroughly in a sink or tub with cool water.
  • Fill a sink or tub with cold water and add the amount of detergent recommended on the label.
  • Place your swimwear in soapy water and gently knead it with your hands. Do not wring or twist the swimsuit as this could damage the material.
  • Remove the swimsuit, drain the soapy water from the sink/tub and refill it with clean, cool water.
  • Place the swimsuit in the clean water and rub it gently to remove soap residue.
  • Remove the swimsuit from the water and gently squeeze the excess water.
  • Place a towel on a flat surface and lay your swimsuit on it. Do not dry beachwear in the sun, otherwise it will fade quickly.

Can You Wash Swimsuits in the Washing Machine?

It is not Recommended to Wash Swimsuits in the Washing Machine

Fashionable, high-quality swimwear is often quite expensive, so it is worth learning the basic principles of proper swimsuit care. The delicate fabrics that this type of clothing is made of require careful handling. That is why, it is best to choose a hand wash that will not damage the decorative elements (if any), such as lace, embroidery or stones.

In case you want to wash your bathing suit in the washing machine, always use a laundry bag. It will protect your swimsuit from damage. Make sure to have some other laundry, so that the machine is at least half full. Set the program to low speed and skip the spin cycle. After washing take out the swimsuit, gently squeeze out excess water and hang it up to dry.

What Is the Best Way to Dry Swimwear?

How to Dry Swimwear

The sun, high temperatures and chemicals are the main enemies of swimwear. In the sun, swimsuits fade and dry out too much, so the best way to dry swimwear is in the shade. To keep the shape and size of the product, it must be dried on a hanger or spread on a towel.



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