What Ornamental Grasses to Grow In Full Sun: 6 Heat Tolerant Species for a Beautiful Green Garden

by Kremy

Do you want to have a garden full of texture and color no matter the season? In this case, grasses are an excellent solution! But which species to choose when it comes to an outdoor space that faces south or receives sunlight for most of the day? What are the most beautiful evergreen ornamental grasses to grow in full sun that tolerate heat well?

What Ornamental Grasses to Grow In Full Sun: These Are the 6 Most Beautiful Species That Tolerate Drought and Heat

ornamental grasses to grow in full sun heat tolerant garden plants

If you have a south-facing or full-sun outdoor space, you’re probably wondering what plants to choose for more greenery and texture. There are actually plenty of species that tolerate the sun well, but grasses offer a very contemporary look to the garden and are really easy to maintain.

The first thing to do when you’ve choose ornamental Grasses to grow in full sun is to select the type that’s best for you. There are ground covering species, as well as species that grow in clumps and form small mounds. It all really depends on the specific needs of your outdoor space. Discover the 6 most beautiful species to make your life easier:

Pampas Grass Is Among the Most Beautiful Ornamental Grasses to Grow in Full Sun

pampas grass is among the most beautiful ornamental grasses to grow in full sun


Pampas grass has become very popular in recent years and is even used arranged in vases for interior decoration. This species grows in large clumps and clusters and features delicate feather-like foliage in a creamy white shade.

Pampas grass is among the most beautiful species of ornamental grasses to grow in full sun that exist and will give a lot of texture and visual interest to your garden. You can plant it in combination with other evergreen grasses for an even more beautiful decor. Pampas grass can reach 10 feet/3m in height and 9 feet/2.5m in width in just 5 years!

Also read: Sun Loving Shrubs for a South Facing Patio Garden

Pheasant’s Tail Grass for a Colorful Exterior

what ornamental grasses to grow in full sun

Very similar to a pheasant’s tail, this grass, also called Stipa arundinacea  will add color, structure and beauty to your outdoors all year long. Its fine, arching foliage is dark green, turning brown and bright reddish-orange in winter, making it one of the most beautiful ornamental grasses to grow in full sun: in summer, it even offers flowers of purple gray color to give even more charm to your garden even during the coldest months of the year. Its seeds attract birds.

Blue Fescue: A Much Loved Species

evergreen tall grasses

Blue Fescue is a very popular evergreen grass perfect for a south facing garden. It tolerates sun, heat, drought and poor soil well, and produces rich, textured clumps It can be planted in beds or all along garden paths, or in combination with other ornamental grasses, such as roses or purple coneflowers.

Blue Fescue flowers appear in late spring and early summer turning into buff colored seeds. It does not like humidity and excessive watering, but if this happens, just cut off her clumps and new shoots will appear.

Blue Oats Grass: A Plant That Becomes Even More Beautiful Under the Sun

ornamental plants that tolerate heat

Blue oat is an evergreen grass that tolerates drought and air pollution very well, which makes it perfect for your sunny garden in the city. You can use it as a ground cover or for borders in your space in combination with other spring flowering plants. It has metallic blue foliage that becomes even more beautiful when the soil is dry and warm. Its beautiful flowers appear in early summer.

Little Bluestem: A Very Hardy Grass

heat loving ground covering grasses

Little bluestem grows is a grass that reaches more than 3 feet/1 meter in height and more than 20 inches/60 cm in width and tolerates sun and drought well. Its green foliage is blue at the base and turns bronze-orange in fall. Little bluestem can be planted in sloping gardens in full sun to control erosion, or in larger areas. The grass tolerates most soils: poor, fertile, dry or damp.

Bamboo – A Fast-Growing, Easy-To-Maintain Plant

how to grow bamboo modern garden

Bamboo can be classified as both a grass and a shrub. It’s actually a grass, but the tall, tree-like stems and evergreen foliage that will add greenery to your garden all year round. Bamboos are very easy to grow and tolerate all types of soil. However, this plant is among the ornamental grasses to grow in full sun that need a lot of space when growing, both in height and also in width. But be careful! Bamboo is a plant that can easily become invasive!

Also read: How to Save an Overheated Hydrangea? The Top Tips to Revive Your Plants and Bring Them Back to Life


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