What is the theme for International Women’s Day 2022?

by Kremy

For more than a century International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th across the globe. It is aimed to honor the achievements of women, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality. What is the theme for International Women’s Day 2022? How to celebrate March 8th? We shall give you some ideas which will help you have a memorable day!

What is the theme for International Women’s Day 2022?

What is the theme for International Women's Day 2022

Since 1996 the United Nations proclaims a theme to mark this day. The first theme was “Celebrating the Past, Planning the Future”. Over the years the themes reflect the role of women in modern society, securing peace and social progress as well as equality, human rights, fundamental freedoms and development.

The UN announced the theme for 2022 – “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” and all the events are aimed at recognizing and celebrating the contribution of women in the climate change adaptation. The message is that working together we can make a better world and a society where there is no gender bias. In addition to the theme of International Women’s Day 2022 as announced by the United Nations, there are other themes in different countries. The International Women’s Day website also has chosen a theme for 2022 – #BreakTheBias.

How to Celebrate International Women’s Day 2022?

theme for International Women's Day 2022 How to celebrate March 8 2022


There are many different ways to celebrate Women’s Day. You can take part in a variety of events organized from different organizations or simply send e-mails or a virtual thank you card to your colleagues, friends, your mother and all the women that are important in your life. Of course, besides the various events, you can spend some time with friends or family, pamper yourself or just enjoy a day of pleasure. Here are some ideas how to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022.

Join the #BreakTheBias Campaign

theme for International Women's Day 2022 breakthebias campaign

You can join the #BreakTheBias theme and take a photo striking the pose of this years theme – crossing your hands in an X. Then you can share you photos in Social media platforms using #IWD2022 or #BreakTheBias hashtags.

How to Celebrate International Women's Day 2022 ideas make donation

Choose a local or international organization or a cause that you can support and make a donation.

Shopping Day

Have a shopping day on March 8th

A shopping day on March 8th is a great way to cheer yourself up and update your spring wardrobe. In addition, on this day, many stores have special discounts. To make the day even more exciting and fun, take your friends with you.

Have a Leisure Day

leisure day celebrate International Women's Day 2022

It is best to celebrate International Women’s Day 2022 with those who perfectly understand all women’s problems – with friends. Organize a party or a dinner with champagne and various goodies, chat about life and men, or go to a club. On such a day, you can organize a picnic or a backyard party. Even if the weather is cold, just dress well and take the opportunity to breathe fresh air and enjoy spring nature. Alternatively, you can go to a skating rink, a water park, play bowling, etc. Show imagination and initiative, and there will be no time to be bored.

Go to a Party

party with your girlfriends on March 8th

Dress up in a beautiful dress, high-heeled shoes, put on makeup – and go dancing and having fun with your friends.

Home Gathering

party at home for women's day

If on March 8 you do not want to go anywhere, invite your friends to your place. Come up with a theme for a house party, order pizza, sushi, ask guests to bring food or drinks. Think of some contests or games, for example – Karaoke will be a lot of fun.

Movie Night

Movie night on Women's day

International Women’s Day is the perfect holiday to bring all your girlfriends together to watch inspiring films about women. It can be a light comedy or a serious film, the main thing is that you spend a great time with your friends.

Have a Romantic Dinner on March 8th with Your Loved One

Romantic Dinner on March 8th

If there is not enough time for romance in a relationship due to routine and household chores, March 8th is the perfect day to have a romantic dinner with your beloved man. You can go to a restaurant or order food for home, whichever suits you best.

Take a Short Trip

take a short trip on March 8

Why don’t you take a short trip on Women’s Day? It doesn’t have to be a weekend, it could be a day trip to a place near your home, you can visit a gallery, museum or just have a walk with friends.



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