What Not to Clean with Vinegar? Discover 8 Things you Should Never Treat With It!

by Snezhana Besarabova

Vinegar is a versatile household cleaner that is often used to remove stains, deodorize surfaces, and disinfect areas. While this natural substance can be a powerful cleaning agent, there are some things you should never treat with it. Though, when used correctly, vinegar can be a safe and effective way to maintain home things and keep them smelling fresh. By incorporating natural agents like this into your cleaning routine, you can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and create a healthier living environment for you and your family. You’ll learn from this article what not to clean with vinegar, and the cases when we should be careful with its usage.

Do You Know What Not to Clean With Vinegar?

Here is the list with 8 things you should never clean with this natural substance:

  • Granite and marble countertops: Vinegar is an acidic substance, which can etch and dull the surface of granite and marble countertops over time. Instead of cleaning with this harsh for these materials agent, use a mild soap and warm water to wipe these surfaces.

what not to clean with vinegar granite and marble countertops

  • Egg stains: If you accidentally spill an egg on your wooden floor or countertop, or somewhere else, do not use vinegar to clean it up. The acidity of this natural chemical can cause the egg to coagulate, making it harder to clean up. Wipe out with a paper towel or cloth, instead, to remove as much of the spilled as possible, and then use a mild soap and warm water to clean the area.

granite and marble countertops egg stains

  • Cast iron cookware: While vinegar can be used to clean many types of cookware, it should never be applied on cast iron. As this acidic substance can strip the seasoning off the cast iron, which will cause it to rust and lose its non-stick properties. Instead, you may clean your cast iron cookware with hot water and a stiff brush.

what not to clean with vinegar cast iron cookware

  • Hardwood floors: Using vinegar on these wonderful natural floors can cause their finish to dull and become discolored. In order to remove the stains and the dirt from them, use a hardwood floor cleaner that is specifically designed for this type of flooring.

8 things you should never clean with vinegar hardwood floors

  • Electronics: If you clean electronics with vinegar, this chemical can damage the sensitive elements, made from fine materials. You’d better wipe out their surface with a microfiber cloth dipped in a specialized electronics cleaner.

8 things you should never clean with vinegar electronics

  • Stone surfaces: Vinegar should never be used to clean natural stone surfaces, such as granite and the other types. Because the acidity of this chemical can cause these materials to etch and lose their color over time. You can clean them with a specialized stone cleaner that is pH-neutral.

stone surface 8 things forbidden to be cleaned with vinegar

  • Aluminum cookware: While vinegar can be used to clean many types of cookware, it should not be applied on aluminum. The problem is that the acidity of this substance can cause the aluminum to oxidize and lose its color. You should clean aluminum cookware with a mild soap and warm water.

aluminum cookware what not to clean with vinegar

  • Waxed surfaces: Using vinegar on such surfaces can cause wax to break down and become less effective. It’s rather more wise to apply a specialized cleaner, which is specially made for these types of materials.

what not to clean with white vinegar waxed surfaces

Is It OK to Use Vinegar In a Washing Machine?

Yes, vinegar can be added to a washing machine, and serve as a natural fabric softener and an odor eliminator. But before applying it, be sure you’ve checked what not to clean with vinegar, as if there are fine fabrics they may be vulnerable to acids. To use vinegar in your washing machine, simply add one cup (240 ml) of it to the rinse cycle. This natural agent will help to remove any residual soap or detergent from your clothes, leaving them soft and fresh-smelling.

is it ok to use vinegar in a washing machine yes for cleaning the inside

In addition to adding vinegar to the rinse cycle, you can also clean with it the inside of your washing machine. As, over time, the detergents and the fabric softeners have built up there. When you decide to clean your washing machine, simply add two cups (480 ml) of vinegar into the detergent compartment and then run a hot water cycle. This natural chemical will help to break down any buildup and leave your machine smelling fresh and clean.

Vinegar is a natural and effective cleaning agent that can be applied to many areas of your home. However, you should remember to be careful, and avoid using it on certain surfaces. It is also not effective against all types of stains and may not be the best choice for every cleaning task. There are many other natural cleaning agents that can be used in your home, such as baking soda, lemon juice, and essential oils, which can be combined with vinegar or used on their own in your cleaning solutions.

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