15 Jealousy quotes – wise and deep sayings about life
Jealousy quotes reveal how this feeling affects us and our judgements. Almost everyone is jealous at some point. In love, jealousy is the fear of losing someone you love very much, It may the result of uncertainty, but whatever the reason, we have to deal with it.
Wise and deep jealousy quotes
Envy is a littleness of soul, which cannot see beyond a certain point, and if it does not occupy the whole space, feels itself excluded.
The jealous bring down the curse they fear upon their own heads.
Keep yourselves far from envy; it eats up and takes away good actions, like as fire eats up and burns wood.
Like hatred, jealousy is forbidden by the laws of life because it is essentially destructive.
The venom clamors of a jealous woman poison more deadly than a mad dog’s tooth.
Love that is not jealous is neither true nor pure.
Never make a decision when you are upset sad jealous or in love.
Nothing sharpens sight like envy.
Passion can quickly slip to jealousy or even hatred.
Pure love allows no room for jealousy.
The jealous are possessed by a mad devil and a dull spirit at the same time.
To cure jealousy is to see it for what it is, a dissatisfaction with self.
What sort of love is permeated by jealousy? You are jealous because you are unaware that everything you need is inside you.
You cant be yourself within jealousy.
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