No Sneak Peeking – Boost the Privacy Level with 6 Landscaping Ideas

by Kremy

Did you know that well-maintained landscaping can hike up your property’s resale value by 12.7%? It’s also an excellent way to gain more privacy and block yourself against unwanted views. Here are some landscaping ideas how to use plants, fences, and other features to create a secluded oasis right at home.

Invest in Tall Wood Fencing

6 Landscaping Ideas Privacy Fence Tips

Your yard may already have a privacy fence but the question is – is it tall enough to ensure your privacy?

If not, we recommend that you invest in a new, taller, and modern wooden fence – keeping in mind any local HOA restrictions of course!

You can also have a lattice fence to add style and a decorative element to your space. Leave it open or fill it in with plants or climbers to turn your yard into an exotic retreat.

Build Your Own Trellis

trellis and climbing plants garden privacy tips


A trellis is a structure of lattice or upright posts that are used to support climbing plants. Trellis provides a great privacy solution for your yard and actually serves multiple functions.

The best thing about it is that you can build your own and customize it to your needs. A DIY trellis will also save you money.

Invest in Growing Hedges

garden privacy hedge landscaping ideas

The oldest in the book and one of the best privacy solutions is growing hedges. Here are a few favorites:

  • American Arborvitae is evergreen, has dense feathery needle-like leaves, and can grow up to 20ft.
  • English Laurel is also a popular hedging plant that grows pretty fast and quickly reaches up to 12ft tall.
  • Dragon Lady holly has prickly, evergreen leaves that also help keep intruders and animals out. It grows 15 to 20ft tall in a narrow, pyramidal shape.
  • Cherry Laurel is a beautiful, dense, and evergreen plant perfect for privacy and windbreaks. Its big bright leaves and flowers also provide ornamental value.

Layer with Plants and Trees

garden path plants and trees

Don’t want to go with one thing? Layer your landscaping with a mix of trees, plants, hedges, and flowers.

Go with low-maintenance options so that some occasional pruning and a good garden hose reel are all you need to keep your yard looking immaculate.

The first, furthest back layer should be your hedging plants or trees that will form the main screening wall. Next, come bushes to add texture and visual interest. Finish with some potted flowers to bring some color and life to your yard.

Build a Bamboo Hideaway

bamboo screen will offer good privacy protection

Want to transform your backyard into an exotic tropical retreat while adding privacy at the same time?

A bamboo screen will offer good privacy but it won’t completely block sunlight. So you can enjoy your evening in peace while basking in the golden hour.

You can either create a screen from bamboo or grow bamboo for screening purposes. If the latter option interests you more, Golden Bamboo would be the perfect variety since it grows fast.

Grow a Vertical Garden

vertical garden green wall ideas

A vertical garden or a green wall not only saves you space but also serves as a focal point. Vertical gardens are typically made up of plants that grow well in cubbies or containers and can be attached to a wall or fence using brackets or screws.

You can choose a variety of plants for your vertical garden, depending on the look you want to create.

Ferns, ivy, spider plants, succulents, bromeliads, and morning glory are some of the best plants for a vertical garden. When it comes to visual appeal, you can steal these intriguing vertical garden ideas.


There’s nothing like relaxing and enjoying an evening in your yard protected against unwanted glances. All these landscaping ideas are perfect for achieving that. If you’re worried about the cost of implementing these landscaping ideas, our advice is to DIY some things. After all, an hour of working in the yard burns up to 300 calories. Now you have an excuse to skip the gym too!



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