40 Bedroom accent wall ideas – how to make a statement in interior design

by Kremy

Bedroom accent wall ideas vary in style, material, color, texture, etc. Every homeowner is trying to create a better environment and there is nothing wrong in that. People transform and even begin to think differently when they get into a beautiful, warm, harmoniously decorated room.


We wrote a lot about bedrooms, how to the choice of style and color scheme, about spectacular decoration of the interior and we have shown you many ideas in almost any style – Shabby chic, rustic, minimalist, Scandinavian, Asian, Bohemian, etc.

Bedroom accent wall – stylish, spectacular or unusual element of the interior

gray accent wall panels dark colors in bedroom design


To begin with, let’s define the concept of “accent wall.” What is it and what do we do with it? In general, the concept of “focal point in the interior” is rather intuitive. When you go into a room, try to notice what attracts your attention in the first 15 seconds? Here, this object is the focal point in the interior. Thanks to the impression that has developed in these first seconds, we have a general opinion about the room itself, and even about its owner.

Generally speaking, an accent wall is a special wall, different in design from the rest of the walls in the room. Accent wall may differ in color, texture, pattern, material. The entire surface of the wall or only part of it in the form of a wide strip can be accented.

spectacular modern bedroom accent wall ideas

What is the point of creating an accent wall? First, this allows you to introduce a bright color into the interior, but in a small, strictly limited amount. In addition to color, you can add textures, shapes, lines, etc. Thanks to the accent wall, the room does not look uniform and flat. The interior is spectacular and extraordinary.

In addition, an accent wall allows you to manipulate attention. People who enter the room will immediately pay attention to the accent wall and what is next to it. So you can focus their eye on something interesting and visually pleasing and divert the attention from some unattractive object.

Besides its purely decorative function, an accent can have quite a practical role. With its help, you can visually adjust the space in the room and expand expand, narrow or zone the space.

Today we shall talk about bedroom accent wall ideas. We will show you different ways to transform your bedroom and make it more interesting and unique.

Also read: DIY Original Headboard: 5 Easy Ideas Adapted to Small Budgets!

Basic rules for the selection and design of accent wall in the bedroom

bedroom design in neutral colors with wallpaper accent wall

The bedroom is an intimate room so here you can realize all your ideas. Of course, in order to avoid a disturbing or kitschy appearance, one should know some design tricks and the basic rules. The bedroom is a place for relaxation, for mental and physical rest and this is your starting point. Here are some guidelines for you to follow:

Accent wall in the interior should be visible upon entering the room, respectively, it is best if it is located opposite the door. Usually, this is the wall at the head of the bed or opposite the bed.

It is enough to focus on one wall. Some designs feature two walls or partial accent wall which is used for zoning. With the help of a narrow strip you can distinguish the place of the TV, fireplace, etc.

The choice also depends on the geometric shape of the room itself. In long and narrow rooms the attention should not be focused on the long walls. On the contrary, a short black accent wall with or without a window contributes to the visual alignment of the space.

bedroom accent wall design ideas color materials finishes

If the main walls in the bedroom are decorated in bright colors, then the shade of the accent wall can be paler, and vice versa, but then it is best to add additional decorative elements to this wall. After all, it is important that the accent wall stands out against the general background.

Colors are hugely important for the atmosphere in the bedroom. To create a calm and harmonious atmosphere the accent wall shade should be close to the main color of the walls. If you want a bright and dynamic interior, choose a contrasting color. If the main color of the walls is neutral, then you can choose any color for the accent wall. Warm shades like red, orange, yellow, brown visually bring the object closer.Cold shades like blue, green, purple, etc. make objects appear farther and allow you to expand the space.

The decoration methods can be very different – wallpaper, painting, decorative plaster, various panels, murals, artificial stone, etc. If you chose the wall behind the headboard to be your accent wall, then the headboard itself can be the most outstanding element of the interior. In this case you need to select a unique headboard with great aesthetic appeal. Posters, world maps, fabric panels, graffiti, etc. – there are many options for designing an accent wall in a bedroom!

How to design your bedroom accent wall – finishes and materials ideas

bedroom accent wall geometric pattern panels

Designers advise to decorate the bedroom in soothing colors that would contribute to relaxation and rest after a hard day’s work. It is true that neutral colors and earthy tones have a calming effect on human psyche. But what can you do if you want to spice up your interior and add some visual interest? An accent wall! How to design your bedroom accent wall? In fact, there are a lot of ways to finish an accent wall. We will have a look at some of the most popular ones:

  • wallpaper;
  • paint;
  • decorative plaster;
  • murals;
  • decorative panels;
  • natural materials;
  • bed headboard.

world map bedroom wall decorating ideas

How to finish a bedroom accent wall with wallpaper? The huge variety of colors, patterns, textures, as well as a wide price range and ease of installation wallpaper the most popular option for decorating an accent wall. Most often people choose to highlight the wall behind the bed headboard. This technique visually highlights the entire sleep zone in the room – the bed and nightstands. Wallpaper with a natural background color and a floral pattern is a great option for decorating an accent wall in a bedroom in almost any style. The wallpaper can be plain or contrasting in color with the rest of the walls in the room. Bright patterned wallpaper or wallpaper with a strict geometric pattern – it all depends on your taste and the general atmosphere in the bedroom. Do not forget that a complex pattern and bold color on the accent wall in the bedroom are a good option only if the other walls in the room are simple and in calm tones.

3D wallpaper accent wall in modern bedroom

Photo wallpaper on the accent wall in the bedroom can be a spectacular option. Nowadays there is a huge assortment of the most unique, high-quality images. Moreover you can choose the image for the accent wall in your bedroom not only from the catalog of the store but also a custom made one with an image of your choice. From high-quality image of nature, forest and mountain landscapes, endless sea spaces are among the favorite choices as they create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is very necessary in the bedroom.

Black accent wall with geometric lines contemporary bedroom ideas

Paint is another hugely popular option for decorating bedroom accent walls. The wall can be painted in the same color as the other walls in the room, only in a darker shade. You can choose a contrasting color as well but in this case, you must add decorative elements of the same color in the bedroom interior. Designers recommend choosing wall paint with matte finish for the bedroom. The painted wall can be additionally decorated with various photos, posters, framed paintings, mirrors, panels, etc. The more saturated and contrasting the color, the more effective the accent. What paint color to choose for your bedroom accent wall? Generally, there are three options – contrast in lighter tone, contrast in darker one and the same color as the rest of the walls but with an ornament. For example, choosing a lighter tone for the accent wall means white, beige, gray and any other neutral color in a dark colored bedroom. Stripes are a wonderful option for an accent wall that can transform any, even the most primitive, interior. In addition, with the help of stripes you can visually adjust the space in the bedroom. Horizontal stripes contribute to the visual expansion of the walls, and vertical stripes raise the ceilings.

bedroom feature walls rustic interior design stone and plaster

Decorative plaster can be a wonderful accent element in the interior of the bedroom. There are many types of this finishing material with a variety of effects that mimic various surfaces and any of the types used as an accent wall decoration in a bedroom can make this room unique and unforgettable. Decorative plaster has many advantages – the uniqueness of the pattern on the wall surface, resistance to damage, easy maintenance, a huge assortment, affordable prices, etc.

hexagonal wood tile accent wall ideas for your bedroom

Decorative panels are a more time-consuming and expensive, but a very worthy option. Decorative panels can be made of a variety of materials – fabric, wood, plaster, glass, foam, etc. 3D wall panels are very popular and when properly illuminated, they can revive the atmosphere of a bedroom decorated in any style.

bedroom accent wall original interior design ideas

Natural materials like wood, bamboo, cork, decorative brick, etc. look amazing on any accent wall. Using natural, environmentally friendly material in the bedroom is a huge plus in any case. The originality, quality, soft and natural color palette are a complement to any design style. Wood is among the most popular choices – wood slats, shiplap, wood panels, there are many options to choose from. Stone accent wall is typical for rustic style and log houses. Exposed brick walls are one of the key elements in industrial style and they can be red or whitewashed but you can paint them in any other color that works with the design concept of your bedroom and the impression that you want to create. Concrete may sound as an unusual choice but concrete walls can be used in contemporary, minimalist and industrial style as an original decorative element with interesting texture.

beautiful accent wall ideas bedroom decorating tips and techniques

Bed headboard as an accent wall is an option that should not be overlooked. From oversized upholstered or tufted headboards to designs with original and unusual materials – there is a choice to suit every taste. If the headboard cannot be used as an accent wall decor, then you can use various screens, panels, vintage carpets or any other original decorative elements.

bedroom design with dark accent wall and original lighting

Combined decoration and lighting can create outstanding bedroom accent walls. All options described above can be combined with each other. And sometimes even their combination will be the most successful solution, since the effect in this case will turn out to be more interesting and unique. For the combined design of the accent wall in the bedroom, you can also use various decorative elements – moldings, wood, plaster, etc. Proper lighting also contributes to the effect of emphasizing a separate wall in the bedroom. For example, you can combine spot lights and sconces to illuminate the upper part of the wall, and floor lamps and table lamps to illuminate the lower part. With the help of correctly directed light fluxes, it is possible to illuminate individual sections on the accent wall or evenly disperse the rays of light, creating a light, cozy, intimate atmosphere in the bedroom.

40 Bedroom accent wall ideas how to make a statement

In conclusion, we can say that a bedroom accent wall can transform the look of the room and provides endless design options. We mentioned that it is better if you choose a matching or contrasting color for your wall but an accent wall can act solo, not depending on anything and not combining with anything. However, this solution is suitable only light and neutral interiors. If there are several different colors in the room, it is advisable to support the accent wall with something. For example, other accents in the same color: pillows, carpet, lampshade, vases, or even furniture.



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