How to Clean Stubborn Black Stains’ from Toilets ‘Instantly with Household Items?

by Kristiyana

How to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly with common household items? Learn 3 natural methods for guaranteed spotless results!

Often when we are trying to make sure that our homes are spotless clean, we resort to using common household items as they prove to be more capable of dealing with troublesome stains and spillings. Sure, you can always spend way too much on an online-ordered cleaning agents that is “supposed to work miracles”, but sometimes the easiest solution is found with the most simple remedies. Today at, we will guide you through how to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly with items that anyone can find in their homes. Let’s go!

How to Clean Stubborn Black Stains’ from Toilets ‘Instantly with Household Items?

how to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly

As a person who prefers to use natural solutions as they are budget-friendly and better for your health, I have tried almost every existing cleaning method from my grandma’s notebook. To be honest, most have proven quite useful and have had promising results, especially when trying to remove limescale from my toilet with natural remedies. So if you are someone who prefers to clean on a budget and doesn’t want to lose too much of their free time searching for the most effective method, here are the 3 most successful ways for cleaning stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly.

Also read: How to Descale Bathroom Fittings? 3 Natural Methods That Work

Cleaning Stubborn Black Stains’ with Baking Soda & White Vinegar

baking soda and white vinegar for cleaning stubborn black stains from toilets instantly


Everybody knows about the magical cleaning properties of baking soda, which can be used to clean almost anything. There are some things of course that you should never clean with baking soda, but in a combination with white vinegar you can get rid of the annoying black stains on your toilet. Distilled white vinegar has a pH of about 2.5 which makes it highly acidic. Thanks to this, white vinegar can dissolve mineral scale. So, how to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly with white vinegar and baking soda?

Step 1: Pour two cups of white vinegar over the black stains on your toilet. Take a scrub brush and gently spread the solution. Leave it to sit for an hour.

Step 2: Now time to apply the baking soda as well. Sprinkle one cup of baking soda over the black stains. Then pour another cup of white vinegar over the soda. The acid base will fizz up. Leave it to sit for 15 minutes.

Step 3: Take a toilet brush and scrub the solution into the black stains. Thanks to the mild abrasiveness of the baking soda and the acid breakdown of the vinegar, the stains should now be easy to scrub away. If they are still visible, leave the solution for another 15–30 minutes, after which you should scrub them again.

Step 4:  Get rid of the solution by flushing the toilet.

How to Clean Stubborn Black Stains’ from Toilets ‘Instantly with Borax Powder?

cleaning stubborn black stains from toilets with borax powder

Another very powerful household cleaning agent you can use to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly is Borax powder. This household cleaner interacts with the minerals found in hard water in order to prevent them from being deposited on surfaces. When you combine borax with white vinegar, you get a similar cleaning effect as the one with the baking soda and vinegar combo. Let’s give it a try, shall we?

Step 1: Take ¼ cup of Borax powder and sprinkle it onto the stubborn black stains of your toilet.

Step 2: Now pour one cup of white vinegar over the borax powder. Leave it to take for 15–20 minutes.

Step 3: Scrub gently, then flush the toilet to rinse it from the solution.

When Nothing Proves to Be Effective, Try Cleaning with a Pumice Stone

how to remove stubborn stains from toilet bowl

You’ve tried everything and the stubborn black stains on your toilet still persist to exist? Then we need to take more extreme cleaning measures. Try a pumice stone!

The method here is quite simple as you just use the cleaning agent of your choice, add some water but instead of brushing in the solution with a brush or sponge, you use the pumice stone. Note: Do be careful when using such abrasive cleaning tools, as if you apply too much pressure, you run the risk of scratching the toilet’s porcelain. Before using it, make sure the pumice stone is always wet to avoid such damage.

Further tips on how to clean stubborn black stains’ from toilets ‘instantly: 

  • You can sprinkle your toilet bowl daily with baking soda to keep black stains from building up.
  • As soon as you have any rough water or pee splashes on your toilet, clean it right away, so they don’t stain.
  • When cleaning with white vinegar, never mix it with bleach, as it results in a toxic gas.
  • Make sure you clean your toilet thoroughly at least once a week.

How to remove urine scale under the toilet rim? Read about how to easily do it with home remedies.

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