How to compost in an apartment without odors and flies?

by Kremy

If you are eco-responsible and want to live a waste-free lifestyle by composting, but… you live in an apartment where there is not much space and you do not know how to proceed? Do you think that even if you have a small pile of compost, it will stink and attract flies? Well, I’m here prove you wrong and tell you that you can compost in an apartment just fine! Personally, I live in a small apartment and thought composting was not an option. Until I found out that yes, I can! I was also worried about flies and the bad smell, but there’s none of that with the options I’m going to show you. If you are curious, then I invite you to continue scrolling. Let’s all reuse and find another use for trash and other items to save the planet.

How to compost in an apartment without odors

How to compost in an apartment: options

There are many options, but I’ll tell you about my favorites, their pros and cons, so you can decide which one is right for you! If you’re starting to get interested in composting, you have to ask yourself what to put in the compost? There are two categories: greens and browns. Green materials are fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, used tea, crushed eggshells, grass clippings, green plant cuttings, old flowers and many weeds. Brown materials, on the other hand, are straw, cardboard, paper, dry leaves, wood waste and sawdust. Do not put diseased plants, animal droppings, cooking grease, glazed paper, weeds with seeds in your compost bin. Bones are also to be avoided! Do not put them in the compost heap! Let’s move on to the options!

How to compost in an apartment (vermicompost)

How to compost in an apartment? Compost with worms?! Yuck! This idea might make you shiver! I know it does that to me, that’s why I don’t use it. However, many people do and swear by it. Why? Vermicomposting mimics the natural way worms, bacteria and fungi break down organic waste. The difference is that vermicomposting is faster. But what is vermicomposting exactly? It is the reproduction of the natural way in which worms, fungi and bacteria break down organic waste. The difference is that this process is much faster. The waste decomposes quickly, as its system ensures that a number of worms are working in the best conditions to create castings. Excreted by worms, castings are rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The materials you will need include bins, paper, water, worms, sifting material and scraps (from the kitchen), which will serve as food for your new friends.

can you compost in an apartment


Compost on the balcony/compost in the kitchen: using the Bokashi composter

How to compost in an apartment when there is not enough space? You may have heard of it before and this is the one I use. Bokashi is a Japanese method of composting. Organic waste is used to improve the soil and nourish it by being subjected above all to lactic fermentation. It is practical and very effective. Plus, it’s perfect if you live in an apartment, big or small! The materials you need are not big and expensive. In fact, you first need a bucket (airtight container with a sturdy lid for anaerobic fermentation). Just open it to add food scraps and a composting accelerator (Bokashi compost activator). The container should also have a sturdy tap at the bottom to periodically drain liquids (Bokashi compost tea). Personally, I keep a plate inside to weigh down the organic waste. Another good thing? You might think that the whole time it’s fermenting, a foul smell will invade your apartment. Well, you have it all wrong! My Bokashi compost sits in the corner of my kitchen, all clean and odorless!

bokashi composter

Shared composting

Recently, there have been more and more shared composting facilities in big and small towns as well. So if you don’t have space in your apartment and on your balcony or you live in a dorm, but still want to live zero litter, this is a great option. In common areas, collective composting is managed by several people. I advise you to ask if your city has such spaces.

Also read: SOS Bad Smells in the Compost! What Are the Reasons and How to Fix Them?

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