How to Remove Tea Stains from Cups? Here Are 10 Easy Tips!

by Radost P.

Why does tea stain cups and mugs? How to remove stained spots easily and naturally?

How to Get Tea Stains Out of Cups – 10 Simple Tips That’ll Help!

how to remove tea stains from a cup

If you love drinking tea each morning, you have probably encountered the same issue, like I did – the tea stains your favorite cup, and you find it difficult to clean it. This happens due to the presence of tannic acid in the liquid. So, how to remove those tough spots?

Removing Tea Stains With Baking Soda

baking soda to remove tea stains


Wet the cup with warm water and cover the stained spots with baking soda paste. Leave it like that for about several minutes and use a cloth in order to scrub the area. Wash the cup with soapy water.

Use a Magic Eraser

magic eraser

Scrub the tea stains with a magic eraser until they are no longer there.

Read also: How to remove coffee stains from clothes and carpets?

How to Remove Tea Stains From a Cup? Use a Toothpaste!

use toothpaste to remove tea stains

Use a normal brush and toothpaste in order to get rid of the stained areas on the cup’s surface.

Mix Hydrogen Peroxide & Baking Soda

hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

A paste made of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is a powerful cleaning solution for various surfaces. Apply the paste directly onto the stains and wash the cup properly.

Soak the Cup Overnight

Another option to remove the tea stains is to soak your favorite cup overnight in a boiling water, combined with either a vinegar or baking soda.

Combine Salt & Vinegar

mix salt and vinegar

Form a paste and scrub it over the stains until they fade away. You may also add some lemon juice to the mix.

Read also: How to remove tomato stains from cotton clothing and white shoes?

Consider Applying Sugar Scrub

baking soda and sugar scrub

One method that also works well is combining baking soda with sugar and then scrubbing the stains.

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