How to Treat a Heat Rash? Here Are the Best Home Remedies That Work

by Kremy

You probably know it – as soon as the temperature rises, you start to sweat, especially when you sleep. This often leads to a skin rash that itches and looks unsightly. In the worst case, it can also lead to inflammation. So, how to treat a heat rash? We shall explain how to treat the rash with home remedies so that the skin becomes beautiful and healthy again.

What are Heat Rashes and What Do They Look Like?

How to Treat a Heat Rash Best Home Remedies That Work

The condition we call heat rash affects adults and children when sweat builds up under the skin. Clogged sweat glands prevent sweat from evaporating, resulting in small red or skin-colored blisters. These are often filled with fluid and resemble small pustules. Heat rash, also known as prickly heat or miliaria, is usually harmless and can clear up on its own in a short time if the pathogen is eliminated. Children are affected more often than adults because their sweat glands are still developing.

home remedies to get rid of heat rash


Heat rash is usually uncomfortable and itchy. In most cases, the appearance of the rash is not a reason to see a doctor. There are simple treatment options and prevention tips for people who suffer from heat rash frequently.

Heat Rash or Sun Allergy – What’s the Difference?

Heat rash or sun allergy how to recognize

In case of a sun allergy, the skin reacts to direct sunlight while heat rash can occur even without sun exposure. Thus, sun allergy is described as a reaction of the skin to UV light, whereby the heat rash can develop even after being indoors. The most common cause of this is heavy sweating, for example when exercising or sleeping. Heat rash in babies is often the result of clothing that is too warm or overheating.

Which Home Remedies Really Help Against Heat Rash?

How to treat a heat rash? Try these home remedies to soothe skin of babies, children and adults and get rid of heat rash quickly.

How to Treat a Heat Rash with Ice Cubes

Treat rash with ice cubes

Since hot spots are caused by warmth, it’s not surprising that cold can be used to counteract them. As soon as you spot the rash, you can put a few ice cubes in a bag or towel and use them to cool the affected area. Attention: never put the ice cubes directly on the skin as they can burn it. If you don’t have ice cubes available, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables instead, or simply rub the skin with cold water.

Relieve Itching with Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar home remedy for heat rash

Many valuable properties are attributed to apple cider vinegar. It is said to keep cholesterol levels under control and at the same time help with weight loss. Apple cider vinegar is also a good home remedy for heat rashes. It has an antibacterial effect and can thus prevent skin inflammation. The home remedy also helps to heal the heat rash and relieves the itching. To use apple cider vinegar for prickly rash, you should first dilute it with water and rub it into the affected area (e.g. face, décolleté, neck) using a cotton ball.

Is aloe vera good for heat rash?

effective home remedies for heat rash aloe vera

Aloe vera is an effective remedy for heat rash. How to use aloe vera for heat rash? Apply it directly to itchy skin to relieve itching and soothe the affected area. The antiseptic and anti –inflammatory properties of aloe help cooling down the skin and prevent infections.

What else helps against heat rash?

how to treat heat rash zinc ointment for babies

In addition to home remedies, some simple remedies from the pharmacy can also help you get rid of heat rash. A thermal water spray, for example, is a must-have for mom’s bag in summer, as it quickly soothes delicate skin so it doesn’t itch anymore. The spray consists only of minerals, trace elements and silica and therefore has a rapid cooling effect.

An over-the-counter zinc ointment from the pharmacy can also relieve the itchy skin irritation caused by heat rash. The zinc oxide absorbs the sweat and at the same time dries out the pustules that have formed. Apply the zinc ointment against heat rash in the evening so that it can take effect overnight. In the morning, the remains can be washed off with lukewarm water. Apply the ointment directly on the affected areas, otherwise it can dry out healthy skin.

How to prevent a rash?

heat rash symptoms itching skin

While it’s not always possible to completely prevent heat rash, taking the following precautions can help you avoid it.

  • Avoid synthetic and tight clothing that can irritate the skin in hot weather.
  • Avoid exposure to excessive heat by trying to stay in the shade or taking cool showers 2-3 times a day.
  • Keep your home well ventilated.
  • Avoid using oils or creams that would clog skin pores. Keep your body well hydrated.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing – it prevents sweat build-up and dries easily.


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