Top 6 Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants That Bloom All Year Round

by Kristiyana

Do you know how colours reflect on your interior? Neither do I! But when the days start to get shorter and bad weather sets in, the need for colour becomes more and more apparent. To prolong the beautiful times at home, here are 6 indoor plants that bloom all year round… well, almost!

6 Low-Maintenance Indoor Plants That Bloom All Year Round

best indoor plants that bloom all year round without maintenance decorative flower pots

Fall-winter does not necessarily mean everything gray. In fact, a few flower pots are enough to brighten up your home in the blink of an eye and without spending too much. Which perennial flowers bloom all year round? You already know the answer to this question. As for indoor plants that flower all year round, the choice is just as wide. Obviously, we have selected only the most colourful and easy-to-live-with varieties. Anthurium, kalanchoe, moon flower, saintpaulia, and more, discover them all in the selection at the bottom. Don’t have a green thumb? Rest assured! These flowering species require little effort to enhance your living room, bedroom, or why not even your kitchen?

Anthurium or Tongue of Fire

anthurium houseplant that blooms all year round easy to care for


What indoor plants bloom all year round, even in winter? The anthurium generally flowers in the garden from October to March-April. But once placed indoors, and with the right conditions, it produces flowers almost all year round. Being a tropical species, the tongue of fire loves humidity and despises drought. If the air in your home is dry, place the pot on a saucer filled with clay balls. By keeping the soil slightly moist and misting the foliage regularly, you will constantly enjoy its red, orange or purple husks. To stimulate flowering again and again, a supply of natural fertilizer for indoor plants will be essential. As for location, offer it a sunny place, but far from a heat source. A stubborn smell has reigned in your small kitchen since last week? Just like guzmania, anthurium is also an excellent kitchen plant that purifies the air.

The Butterfly Orchid

butterfly orchid care flowering indoor plant that blooms all year round

Who doesn’t love orchids? For a flowery interior twelve months out of twelve, bet on the butterfly orchid, also called the Phalaenopsis orchid. But to benefit from its long, lasting blooming, there are actions you must take. Formally, this variety of orchid blooms twice a year, in spring and fall, and each flowering lasts about four months. To ensure your plant produces flowers within four months, select the flower spike, two eyes below the spent flowers, and cut it back close after the second bloom. A new flagpole will appear in a while. To control the roots, consider growing your orchid in a clear pot.

Also read: Which Potted Plant Resists Cold and Frost? Top 13 Options


kalanchoe in pot floral decorative living room succulent plant interior that flowers all year round

Who says succulents don’t flower? Certainly not us! And the kalanchoe is a good example. We love its evergreen and decorative foliage, but it is rather the abundant and colourful flowering it brings that brightens up the landscape. In its natural environment, this succulent plant flowers twice a year, in spring and winter. Once potted indoors, kalanchoe produces flowers constantly, without any specific maintenance. For a colourful living room all year round, choose the kalanchoe blossfeldiana variety offering mini pink, red, white or yellow flowers.

Also read: Does Kalanchoe Fear Cold? How to Overwinter It & Ensure New Blooms?

Spathiphyllum or Moon Flower

indoor flowering plants no sunlight

Despite its second name, spathiphyllum does not come from the moon, but from South America. It is a magnificent tropical plant that seduces with its large white spathes which contain flower spikes. The bracts (or white leaves) are constantly renewed, which guarantees beautiful, long blooming from January to December. Perfect for temperate climates, the spathiphyllum will easily find its place in your interior, especially if it is dark. Easy to maintain, it does not need natural light to grow. However, simple maintenance and long-lasting flowering are not its only advantages. This plant beautifies the house, absorbs humidity and attracts luck! This is enough to kill three birds with one stone! So, don’t hesitate to accumulate it and install it in several rooms. It will easily find its place in a living room, a bedroom or even an office without windows.


guzmania in pot room interior indoor plants with flowers that bloom all year round

A distant cousin of the pineapple, guzmania is another variety that easily finds its place in our selection of indoor plants that bloom all year round. You will definitely love it for its flowers and graphics, which are there for a good part of the year. It prefers rich, well-drained soils and needs light (but not direct) to flourish. In terms of watering, a moderate supply of water is sufficient.

African Violet

african violet in pot houseplants that bloom all year round even in winter

With its abundant and generous blooming in all colours, the Saintpaulia (also called African violet, Cape violet or Usambara violet) comes from afar. At home, it decorates rooms with its beautiful flowers that bloom for months, several times during the year, or even all year round. A few small actions are enough to take good care of your violet.

Also read: Which Is the Shrub That Flowers All Year Round? Top 5 Choices

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