Setting Up a Montessori Room for 2 Year Old – A Bedroom That Raises Independent Children By Design

by Stephanie Yankova

According to Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist, there are 4 main stages of cognitive development that humans go through. The first one is called the sensorimotor stage which encompasses the period of time from one’s birth to the age of 2. This is a time when toddlers learn about their environment through objects and engaging their senses. So how can we create a hospitable environment at home for them to acquire those basic skills in the most pleasant and effective way possible? Maria Montessori, an Italian physician, and educator, developed a theory supporting natural, individual learning. According to her research and practice, the earlier you begin to teach a child to be independent, the more confident they become. Keep reading to find out how to kick-start your toddler’s development by incorporating the Montessori method into their bedroom.

natural materials wooden furniture kids montessori room for 2 year old

How Do You Make a Montessori Toddler Room?

A few major things that you should take into consideration when designing a Montessori toddler room are:

  • The color scheme of the room – Soft, neutral colors such as beige, ivory, khaki, and gray help create a cozy and calming environment for the toddler. This removes any unnecessary distractions and allows them to keep their focus when performing a task or engaging in a game.
  • Lighting – Avoid using harsh lighting. This will have an overstimulating effect on your toddler which can seriously disturb their comfort. Instead, choose soft, indirect lighting, or shaded fixtures.
  • Natural materials – Up to the age of 2 children learn through sensation. That’s why it’s important to choose furniture that’s made of natural materials such as wood, and metal, as well as organic fabrics like cotton and hemp.
  • Tactile surfaces – Sensory play allows toddlers to develop their tactile perception, which is the ability to learn about their environment through touch, You can introduce different textures through interactive games, fabrics, and shapes.

Montessori Room for 2 Year Old Setup

bedroom setup toddler design neutral colors interior montessori method


The Montessori approach is solely focused on independence and creativity. Children are encouraged to learn through active engagement with their built environment. When decorating your child’s bedroom according to the design principles of Montessori you should always keep in mind that every element should be a vessel for independent learning. Here are some of the key components you need to include in your 2-year-old’s Montessori bedroom.

Swap the Crib for a Floor Bed

wooden floor bed neutral colors natural materials organic fabrics design tips montessori room for 2 year old

According to Maria Montessori’s philosophy, the child needs to be able to learn how to do all of their basic everyday tasks on their own. The main one of all is being able to get in and out of bed on their own without assistance. This is why the floor house bed is a crucial part of the bedroom design. It gives the child the freedom of accessing their bed whenever they feel a natural need to do so. This is a great way for them to establish their own sleeping schedule, which will save you a lot of headaches in the future once they start attending daycare.

Consider the Height of the Wardrobe and Cupboards

small child size wooden clothing rack design ideas montessori room for 2 year old

It’s good for your child to be able to access their clothes on their own, so building a wardrobe or a clothing rack at their height is essential. This gives autonomy over the way they choose to present themselves through clothing. It also teaches them responsibility and self-discipline when you teach them how to fold and hang their clothes. The shelves and cupboards where you keep your kid’s toys should also be accessible for them. That way they can get into the habit of taking out and putting back their toys independently, which will instill a positive routine in them.

Promote Free Play in a Montessori Toddler Room Setup

play nook educational games clever design montessori room for toddlers

While at this age children learn the most from their environment, they also need access to educational games and toys to further enhance the process. The Montessori way suggests going down the patch of quality over quantity. I know it may be exciting to buy your children all the toys and books on the market that you find interesting. However, excessive amounts of toys can cause sensory overstimulation in your child and overwhelm them. There are many toys on the market specifically designed in accordance with the Montessori principles of education. Another crucial aspect in the early stages of your child’s development is that you offer variety. When you see that your kid has been playing with the same toy or reading the same book for a long period of time, switch them up with something new and engaging that will teach them new skills.

Keep the Space Clean and the Design Simple

minimalist clean tidy montessori room for 2 year old toddler design

It shouldn’t be a hassle for your child to navigate their way through their bedroom. Everything should be put out there, in plain sight, and in an orderly manner. This is going to be your child’s space for relaxation, as well as play and education, so it would be ideal if you can create designated areas for each of those activities. Choosing furniture pieces made out of natural wooden materials and decorating in neutral colors is something your child’s development will benefit a lot from in the long run. It will help develop their ability to retain focus. This is a skill that many kids are lacking nowadays from an early age due to excessive exposure to electronic devices.

Design Ideas for a Montessori Room for 2 Year Old

open design airy room big bed natural materials montessori bedroom for toddlers

Small Montessori Toddler Room in Gray and Yellow

small white gray yellow bedroom for toddlers montessori room design

White and Blue Montessori Bedroom with Designated Play Areas

blue white brown organic design montessori bedroom for 2 year old

Minimalist Montessori Toddler Bedroom in Neutral Colors

white and brown wooden materials bedroom montessori design 2 year old
