What Does New Moon in Virgo Mean? Learn About Its Effects on Each Zodiac Sign in 2023

by Kristiyana

What does the new moon in Virgo mean? How will it affect each zodiac sign? All you need to know about the new moon in Virgo happening in September 2023.

What Does the New Moon in Virgo in 2023 Mean?

what does the new moon in virgo mean in 2023 for each zodiac sign

Well, who hasn’t been through a lot this year? After ending a 7-year-long-relationship, having to move to another place, and Venus Retrograde in Leo sabotaging another one of my relationships, I would say that I’ve had enough of changes for now. What about you? However, whether we like it or not, a new moon in Virgo is happening on September 14, and it will be influencing every one of us to welcome chaos, changes and starting anew. Are you ready?

New Moon in Virgo 2023 Meaning for Each Zodiac Sign

new moon in virgo 2023 new moon september 2023 astrology


So how will the new moon in Virgo happening in September 2023 affect each zodiac sign? Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon and Rising sign.


This new moon in Virgo should influence Aries to be more considerate when it comes to their expenses. Be more mindful of your finances.


Taurus, this astrological event will make you put in more efforts into finding the best way of enjoying yourself. Take time to learn more about your personal wants and needs.


For Geminis, this new moon in Virgo will make them think about what they want to hold on to and what they need to let go of. Reorganizing is key now!


Cancers you should continue walking on the path of being your true authentic self! If you feel like the people around you don’t understand this, trust your instincts and leave them behind.


During this new moon in Virgo, your values will be at the centre stage. You may not always be in the spotlight, but when you are, make sure that it is because of something you are proud of.


Virgos, you shouldn’t be afraid of anything that you feel like is holding you back. You only have one goal in this lifetime, and that is to be your true, authentic self!


Libras, have you accepted all the changes that have been happening in your home and family life? If not, now is the time! Take stock of everything that is going on right now with you.


My dear Scorpies, lately you might have been feeling like nothing meaningful is going on with you, but sometimes the most important changes occur behind the scenes. Remind yourselves to be patient during this time.


Sagittarius, it is time to think about where you really belong and what you want to do. Be clear with yourself, your values and want you can’t stand to have in your life.


For Capricorns, it might be time to set new boundaries when it comes to the way you have fun. Find what really brings you joy and leave what you feel like it drains you behind.


Aquarius, you might be thinking of ending some things, but remember, that often there are many sides to one story. Is there something in your family that you feel like is playing on repeat? Take time to consider such things.


Are you experiencing the Peter Pan syndrome? Sorry Pisces, but if you are not in your teen years, it is high time you grew up. Think about what makes you feel like acting this way, and get in touch with your inner child.

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Also read: New Moon in Sagittarius 2023: How Will It Affect Us?


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