Pool and Beach Makeup Ideas for a Perfect Summer Look

by Kremy

Pool and beach makeup is a controversial issue: on one hand, every woman wants to complement her look with a beautiful swimsuit and, thanks to makeup, make it complete. On the other hand, it is on the seashore or by the pool that you should relax and forget about cosmetics – let your skin breathe freely and, along with a golden tan, acquire a healthy and refreshed appearance.

Pool and Beach Makeup Ideas and Tips

Summer makeup can be quite tricky. Which product is the best? When you go to a pool party or the beach, summer makeup is as essential as the outfit itself. The transition from very cold climates to extreme heat and humidity means that our cosmetic bag needs contain proper products. The main task of beach and pool makeup is to protect the face from the sun’s rays. This type of summer makeup will be noticeably different: the face should look fresh, healthy and natural so it is necessary to apply a minimum of cosmetics.

General Recommendations for Your Pool and Beach Makeup

recommendations for your pool and beach makeup


What to do with makeup on a summer trip? Ideally, give up makeup altogether, but not all girls agree to this. Let’s talk about the rules of pool and beach makeup and figure out what cosmetics you need to take with you to the sea.

Summer is the time to abandon the “heavy” makeup and therefore it is better to fill the cosmetic bag with a minimal set of multifunctional products. Forget about applying a dense layer of foundation. Instead of evening out the complexion and hiding imperfections, heavy makeup will “melt” under the rays of the sun and cause only discomfort.

Many women consider pool and beach makeup to be a must. After all, unlike everyday makeup, it performs not only a decorative function, but also protects against the aggressive effects of sunlight. There are some simple rules for summer makeup and how to choose the products for your cosmetic bag.

One of the most important things is to choose waterproof products. If you get wet or it gets too warm in the sun, the makeup will not be ruined.

waterproof cosmetics for the summer pool and beach makeup

The foundation must be liquid and not clog pores, have a golden hue because pinkish or pale faces look terrible on the beach and have a protection factor of at least 20.

Eye cosmetics should not only be waterproof, but also have a dry texture. Oily eyeshadows and pencils will instantly melt when exposed to the sun, and your makeup will be totally ruined. It is better to choose natural shades when going to a pool party or to the beach – golden, pastel.

Makeup fixing spray for beach and pool makeup

As for mascara, there are two radically opposing opinions. Some believe that there is no need for it on the beach, since water will damage even the most stable mascara. Others believe that high-quality waterproof mascara is quite capable of withstanding water. Professional makeup artists advise that if you have thick, dark eyelashes, there is no need to emphasize them with mascara. If your eyelashes are pale and expressionless, then you can apply mascara, but it is better to test it at home before that to make sure you’ll avoid any “makeup accidents”. Apply it before showering and you can easily find out whether to take mascara with you to the beach or pool.

Lip makeup should be as light as possible – so go for a sheer or pinkish lip gloss.

When choosing cosmetics in a beach cosmetic bag remember that they should protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.

Pool and Beach Makeup Ideas and Practical Tips

Pool and Beach Makeup Ideas for Your Perfect Summer Look

Although hot weather is a kind of limitation for makeup lovers, there are many options to emphasize their appearance when going to a pool party or to the beach.

Sun Protection

sun protection for the face

As we already mentioned above, pool and beach makeup should be started with applying a cream with a protection factor of at least 20. If you do not wish to apply foundation, this layer of protective agent will be sufficient. Thanks to it, the skin will be covered with a tan, will acquire a fresh and even tone, you will not clog the pores and the skin will breathe. Remember to apply protective products every two hours.

If you use foundation, make sure that it is properly selected. It should be golden or pinkish in color, have sunscreen properties, be liquid and light in texture. Before applying the foundation, you apply a day cream, which has protective properties. When the cream is completely absorbed, you can apply the foundation. It is convenient to do this using a high-quality foam sponge, moistened with water. When the foundation is absorbed, you can start applying the blush. The cheekbone line can be emphasized with a regular bronzer.

Pool and Beach Eye Makeup

Pool and Beach Eye Makeup

The most difficult element of pool and beach makeup is the eyes. Professional makeup artists recommend giving up mascara, even waterproof.

The eyeshadow and pencil must be waterproof. Professionals remind that beach and pool makeup should look as natural as possible, so it is best if you replace black and silver smoky eye with softer shades like bronze and gold. Such eye makeup will soften the facial features, since it does not look aggressive. Line up the eye with a bronze or brown pencil or eyeliner. It is recommended to apply shadows with a foam applicator.

Natural, moderately thick and wide, neatly combed eyebrows are in trend this season. Use eyebrow gel to shape them, because well-groomed eyebrows with a minimum of makeup allow you to correct facial features.

Lip Makeup Tips

Beach and pool Lip Makeup Tips

You should not choose saturated shades. Transparent gloss or lip balms are a better option as they will protect the delicate skin of the lips and give a seductive, moist effect and add volume to the lips. Opt for soft and delicate shades of pink, beige, sandy, caramel, cream and peach, as well as nude tones.

To refresh your beach and pool makeup, it is recommended to use a makeup fixing spray. Fixing sprays are useful products for the summer. They contain many beneficial extracts and among other things, such sprays tone and refresh the skin.

Don’t forget about hydration! Buy thermal water and a moisturizing spray that you can use constantly throughout a hot day.

Beach and Pool Party in the Evening – How to Choose the Perfect Makeup?

evening pool party makeup ideas

It is normal that you will go out in the evening or be invited to attend a beach or pool party. And it is clear that evening makeup will differ from daytime. After sunset, it is no longer necessary to use sunscreen and waterproof cosmetics, ordinary cosmetics that you use in everyday life are quite suitable.

As for the choice of colors, you can replace pastel and neutral tones with brighter ones. Sparkling shadows are perfect for an evening pool or beach party. Apply mascara, outline your lips with a contour and apply a bright lipstick.

After swimming in the pool or in the sea, gently dry your face with wipes that absorb excess moisture. If, however, your makeup has been damaged while swimming, do not try to fix it. It is best to remove it completely and reapply it.

what is the best summer makeup

With the right approach, pool and beach makeup will make you attractive both during the day and at an evening party.



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