Protein rich foods – improve your daily menu with high-protein diet

by Kremy


Healthy vegetarian breakfast chickpeas quinoa carrot cucumber apple

We gain the power for our body especially when we consume protein rich foods. Consuming proteins also helps to control hunger. They are responsible for the growth and production of numerous enzymes, neurotransmitters and hormones whose roles cannot be replaced by other macro-nutrients. The recommended daily intake of protein is 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. Protein rich foods include many natural ingredients that we can easily add to our daily menu. These are easy to prepare as small protein-rich snacks or in meals and provide gaining muscle or fat loss if you want to maintain your weight. We can consider high-quality protein as the builder of immunity, creator of muscles or stress reducer. These are impressive health benefits that we can take advantage of for a healthy diet.


Protein-rich foods and their benefits

protein rich foods pea beans peanuts almonds


Unfortunately, many people do not see how useful protein-rich foods can be. Too often, the combination of everyday stress and an energy drop in the afternoon causes us to eat various sugary fast foods that are more harmful than healthy to us. How many times did you come home exhausted and either eat at your local snack bar or get everything out of the fridge that you could find? Probably more than you can count.

turkey meat contains protein and is suitable for muscle building

So with a little know-how you can prepare healthy, hearty or vegetarian meals that are loaded with protein-rich ingredients. All you need is a bit of advance planning and useful information about amino acids. That is why we’ve put together some protein-rich foods that can improve your health, build muscle mass and even help you lose weight. Besides, these are the foods you need to consume if you want to live a better life. This is a goal that we all fight for.

Low-carb diet and protein-rich foods

eggs cooked in different ways as omelet eggs benedict for low carb diet menu

The benefits of a high-protein snack go beyond achieving your goals. Protein consumption not only boosts your metabolism, appetite and muscle mass, but also contributes to the health of bones, cartilage, skin, tissue and blood. The Ministry of Health recommends that men consume 0.75 grams of protein per kilo of body weight. That’s about 56g daily for an average guy, while a woman needs about 46g. But if you want to build muscle, you need to increase your protein intake.


protein rich foods baked pumpkin seeds

Including protein-rich foods in low-carb diet not only helps avoiding the inevitable change of processed snacks, but also provides proven health benefits. Studies show that reducing carbohydrate intake can help alleviate inflammation and regulate blood sugar. In fact, it could even help you live longer. That is why we selected and listed some common protein-containing foods below.


eat protein rich foods as boiled eggs and spice

Of course, in the first place of rich-protein foods, we list eggs, which are often included in health-conscious menus. This animal product is usually full of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and antioxidants that play a vital role for the eyes and brain. A large egg contains an average of six grams of protein and only 0.6 grams of carbs. Eggs contain more nutrients and calories than just about any other food. They also make portioning easier even for the laziest food preparation. Just cook, cool and get started.


chicken meat on a wooden kitchen board suitable for high protein diet

What came first: the chicken or the egg? The answer really does not matter. The meat of this bird is one of the most versatile lean proteins – 25 g in just 100 g pieces, which is about the size of your palm. Chicken meat can be served alone as a basis for a meal and is also ideal for salads and soups.

Milk or yogurt

Greek yogurt with raspberry blueberry

In the second place is logically another, also very common natural product – milk. This is an excellent source of protein. One thing that good old cow’s milk has when compared with vegan almond milk? You get 8 grams of protein per glass. Not to mention nine essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin D. But if you are a vegan, soy milk contains about the same amount of protein.

drink one glass of milk a day for healthy protein dose

Make your body stronger by drinking a glass of milk daily. However, if this does not spoil your taste buds, you can, for example, choose chocolate milk after workouts to maximize muscle recovery. Studies have shown that milk could even relieve sore muscles. Dairy products contain almost every nutrient the human body needs. They are rich in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B2.


healthy snacks raw almonds are nourishing and contain a lot of protein

Almonds are nature’s vitamin pills loaded with heart-protecting HDL cholesterol, fiber, selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E and B. They also have a decent amount of vegetable protein – about 10 g per 50 g serving. Take a ziplock bag and bridge the gap between breakfast and lunch without being tempted to finish the lot. These nuts are particularly suitable for vegans.

Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds are high protein food and have many nutrients

With seven grams of protein per 30 g serving as well as antioxidants, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, magnesium and many other nutrients, these little green seeds fill much more than just the gap between lunch and dinner. Nuts and seeds are great as a snack as they contain healthy fats that are very filling. But they also contain protein, which keeps the hunger attacks under control. For example, the popular and versatile pumpkin seeds contain 8 grams of protein in 30 g serving, some iron and magnesium and less than 200 calories. These crispy seeds can be used in many dishes – from homemade muesli to pesto.

Chickpeas or hummus

consume chickpeas as protein rich food

Whether you prepare them for a quick snack or salad, chickpeas are a great way to add extra protein in an amount of nearly 15 grams per cup, as well as fiber (12 grams) and iron if you prefer to avoid meat. Chickpeas are versatile because they can have every taste you prefer. They taste great in curry with cashew nuts, lentils or as hummus.

healthy diet chickpea hummus contains essential nutrients

Chickpea hummus is not only one of the tastiest dishes but it is also full of nutrients. This oriental spread combines a balanced amount of fibers, carbohydrates, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, potassium, thiamine, folic acid and vitamin B6. Hummus is also rich in vegetable protein, which is important for the maintenance of the functions of the immune system. One study found out that people who regularly consume hummus have a 53% lower risk of being overweight. The reason for that is that hummus contains fiber that reduces appetite and reduces calorie intake. In addition, hummus is a good source of plant proteins that can reduce appetite and boost metabolism.


lentil stew or soup healthy protein rich foods with vegetables

Lentils contain 9 grams of protein in half a cup of cooked portion. There’s even more in it: 8 grams of fiber, 3 mg of iron and a healthy dose of potassium for around 115 calories. Consume lentils as one of the basic protein rich foods. Furthermore, you can simply boil it and add to your salad or try a more traditional lentil soup or stews. Lentil also contains important nutrients for the body, such as manganese, magnesium and folic acid.

Black beans

black beans in a bowl high quality protein rich foods food for balanced diet

You can always use more options for more protein that does not require cooking, and black beans are just the thing. Put a few cans in your cupboard so you can drain and rinse if you want to add black beans to different dishes. Each ½ cup serving contains 7g of protein, about 100 calories and 2mg of iron, making it a great choice for vegetarians and vegans.


broccoli florets in a ladle on wooden table

As a vegetarian alternative to meat, this vegetable is also suitable for a low carb diet. 100 g sliced broccoli contain 3 g of protein. Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable that contains vitamins C, K, fiber and potassium. For all of these nutrients, a 1-cup serving of broccoli only contains 31 calories. It also contains large amounts of phytochemicals and flavonoids such as kaempferol. These can have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Like all other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli also contains high levels of glucosinolates and compounds that can reduce risk of cancer.

cooked broccoli as a source of protein

Eating steamed broccoli can help lower the level of cholesterol in your blood. In addition, broccoli can improve liver health by stimulating the detoxification and production of antioxidants in the liver. Broccoli can be steamed, roasted, baked or fried. You can use it to prepare delicious side dishes, soups and sauces. Protein content: A bowl (91 grams) of chopped broccoli contains 2.6 grams of protein, while 100 grams of broccoli contain 2.8 grams. Protein thus makes up about 20% of the calories in broccoli.

Seafood and fish

seafood shrimps and scallops in a plate

For example, shrimp, as seafood, are also a good source of protein and contain omega-3 fatty acids. Approximately 90% of the calories come from proteins, making seafood one of the best nutrition sources. A fatty fish such as tuna contains about 20 grams of protein per serving, while a can contains 33 grams. In any case, this tasty fish should be among your prime choices when dining in restaurants or filling the pantry.

tuna fillets in a plate with grated cabbage garnish

No time for cooking? Get one of the various varieties of pre-made tuna, salmon or mackerel from the store with the added benefit of omega-3 fatty acids. You can choose from a variety of options – with or without dressings and other ingredients such as bulgur, lentils and quinoa. Other protein sources of plant origin include oats, cinnamon, green peas, beans, peanut butter and many more. It is known that protein-rich meat, in particular beef and products of animal origin such as quark and cheese are also classified as protein rich foods.



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