Recipes for green juice: Why it is important to drink it + 2 healthy and tasty recipes!

by Anjelina

In today’s fast-paced world we are forced to eat in a hurry, we are surrounded by all kinds of harmful products that negatively affect our bodies. However, how much we take care of ourselves and whether we lead a healthy lifestyle depends entirely on the daily choices we make. In today’s article, we’ll pay special attention to the benefits of freshly squeezed juices and give you some great recipes for green juice that you can prepare easily and quickly at home in the morning and get energized for the whole day!

Healthy recipes for green juice

recipes for green juice healthy life drink rich in nutrients

National Green Juice Day is coming up on January 26. Celebrated since 2016, it aims to promote the consumption of the healthy drink. In a world of fizzy drinks and fast foods, it is entirely our decision to choose to avoid them and opt for healthy alternatives like green juice. It is extremely quick to prepare, so lack of time is no excuse for anyone! Besides, freshly squeezed juices are the best source of vitamins and minerals. Drinking a glass of green juice in the morning will energize you and strengthen all your body’s systems. It would be hard to eat that many greens in their raw state, but when you extract the most beneficial of them and give it to your body in a form that is easily digested, you can’t help but feel a positive change in yourself as well. That’s why we offer you a few recipes for a great, tasty, very healthy green juice that may also help you lose weight. You can prepare it with a blender or a juicer.

Cabbage and cucumber green juice

fresh cucumber cabbage juice easy make yourself at home


We offer you a wonderful recipe for healthy green juice that contains cabbage and cucumber as main ingredients. Cabbage juice contains vitamin C, vitamin K, iodine, calcium, magnesium, sodium as well as other important vitamins. If you consume cabbage juice regularly, it will strengthen your immunity and support the work of the digestive system. On the other hand, cucumber is also rich in vitamins C, E, and B, as well as phosphorus, sulfur, potassium and magnesium. Its consumption accelerates metabolism. Here’s how to prepare this vitamin bomb in minutes at home!


  • 3 cabbage leaves
  • ½ cucumber with the peel
  • ½ apple
  • 3-4 mint leaves
  • 1 glass of water

How to make the juice:

  1. Wash all ingredients very well. Cut the apple, but do not remove the peel (it contains many beneficial vitamins). Then cut the cucumber into small pieces and put these ingredients in a blender/juicer.
  2. Then add the mint leaves, rinsed cabbage and a glass of water. If using a blender, let everything blend until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Drink the juice immediately without straining it to make it as good for you as possible. If desired, you can add a few ice cubes.

Healthy juice with spinach, pear and celery

pear spinach cucumber parsley lemon honey green juice

This healthy green juice recipe for breakfast is rich in many nutrients, and your body will just thank you if you give it to it! Spinach juice contains many beneficial elements such as calcium, magnesium and iron. It is also rich in vitamins C, E, A, B9, K, and beta-carotene. Fresh spinach juice also contains antioxidants. We also included pear, not only to improve the taste of the juice, but also because it contains many biologically active substances. The simple sugars contained in the fruit have a high energy value. Pear juice is useful for regulating blood glucose levels, and the tart taste of the fruit is due to tannins, which actually have antiviral properties and help the body get rid of toxins. There’s a lot to talk about the benefits of celery juice, but in addition to being rich in many vitamins, celery stalks contain chlorophyll. It saturates the blood with oxygen. You understand yourself how useful the juice is, the recipe of which we will share with you! Here it is:


  • 2 cups (60 g) baby spinach
  • 1 cucumber (with peel)
  • 1 pear
  • 2 (140 g) celery stalks
  • 1 large handful parsley
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • honey or maple syrup – to taste (optional)


  1. The juice is extremely easy to make. To do it, prepare all the ingredients listed. Wash them under running water and dry them with paper towels.
  2. Cut the celery, cucumber and pear into large pieces.
  3. Add all ingredients to the blender/juicer and add a few spoonfuls of honey or maple syrup if desired. Pour a little drinking water to adjust the thickness of the juice to your taste.
  4. Consume immediately and serve with ice cubes (optional).

What is the best time to have green juice?

It is best to drink green juice in the morning and on an empty stomach. It is also recommended to drink the juice and wait about half an hour before taking any other food. Furthermore, it is also important to drink the juice immediately after you have prepared it. The enzymes (ferments) it is so rich in break down and die on contact with the air, so also keep that in mind!


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