Restore Your Radiant Look with This 10 Step Skin Detox Routine

by Kremy

Spring is the time of renewal! It is time to renew our wardrobe, hair color or hairstyle and generally, give ourselves a restart after the winter months. And yes, our skin also needs a refresh! Do you know how to do a natural skin detox at home? No? Then stay with us because we shall give you some simple tips that will help you restore your skin’s health.

What Is Skin Detox And Why Do We Need It?

restore your radiant look with this 10 step skin detox routine

Detox is the removal of toxins and waste products from the cells. As you know, toxins do not leave the body through the skin, so we have to act from the inside. Sure, proper masks work on the outside and are a part of every woman’s beauty routine. The main goal of skin detox is to eliminate negative effects, prevent skin damage and promote healthier skin.

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Why do we need skin detox routine? Because our skin is exposed to environmental factors like polluted air and dust, which have a negative effect. In addition improper care, aggressive cleansing, bad habits, regular stress, insomnia, and improper nutrition result in an exhausted skin. Skin detox routine will help you restore the beautiful appearance of the skin and spring is the best time for that. Who doesn’t want a smooth, healthy, glowing skin?

Also read: How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Body? The Ultimate Guide for Any Skin Type

Follow This 10 Step Skin Detox Routine to Restore Your Skin’s Health

apply facial masks skin detox routine steps to follow

As we mentioned above, toxins cannot leave the body through skin, but you can help the process. Here is how to do that!

Thorough Skin Cleansing In the Morning and Evening

When you start a skin detox program, cleansing is very important. Cleansing removes dirt, makeup and other impurities from the skin. It unclogs the pores which is essential when you want healthy, radian skin. You can use cleansing creams, masks or peels.


Exfoliation is perfect for skin detox. It removes dead cells and stimulates the growth of new cells. Many women include this into their standard skincare routine and have noticed how the skin looks better after that. Exfoliation should be done once or twice a week with a gentle exfoliator.

Check Your Cosmetic Products

Get rid of products with parabens, silicones and mineral oils. All these products lead to dehydration, form a film on the skin, block cellular respiration and clog pores. As a result, the skin becomes dull and fine lines and wrinkles appear.

Drink a Lot of Water

Water flushes out unnecessary substances from the body. You should drink about 8-10 glasses of water a day. Cucumber water is a good option as it is tasty and good for detoxifying your body. Lemon water is another option which has beneficial effects on the skin.

Add Fiber to Your Diet

Fiber is considered a natural sorbent for eliminating all unnecessary things. These foods are rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals. It is essential for our health and fiber acts as a brush that cleanses the digestive tract. How to add fiber to your diet? Include more cereals, vegetables and fruits in your menu.

Skin Detox Routine: Eat Healthy Food

Reduce the consumption of sweets, flour and dairy products. For the time of detox it is better to avoid them at all. Pay attention to products that have a detox effect, such as grapefruit, berries, beets, Brussels sprouts and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids – fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, sardines, etc. Avoid alcohol and caffeine as they have a negative effect on your skin.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration

Drinking a lot of water is good, but you can help your skin detox on the outside as well. Apply moisturizing masks and creams or specially designed products which hydrate the skin and seal the water inside the cell. Look for products with ceramides or ingredients that work to repair the lipid barrier which will prevent water loss.

Exercise more

Physical activities are very important for a number of reasons. On the first place, they improve the blood flow and stimulate the process of removing the toxins from the cells. Jogging, cycling, dancing, going to the gym – all of these will help your body get rid of toxins. If you are not so much into sports, go to a park, woods or green areas, where the air is not as polluted as in the city center. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

Reduce Stress

It is common knowledge that stress has a negative effect on our health. When it comes to skin detox, stress increases the cortisol levels and this affects all the processes in the body. Practice meditation and yoga. This can help reduce stress.

Apply Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen is essential and although it does not sound like a skin detox routine, it actually is. You know that UV rays are damaging which makes protection even more important. Use sunscreen with a minimum SPF 40 every time you go out.

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