How to strengthen the immune system of your children against coronavirus?

by Kremy

How to strengthen the immune system of your children against coronavirus

Simple habits will help strengthen the immune system of your children which is especially important in the times of coronavirus outbreak. Weak immune system can invite diseases. How to do that? Hygiene, proper and balanced nutrition as well as sports are the three pillars of strong immune system. Parents want their children to be happy and healthy, so we shall help you with some simple tips and rules to follow which apply not only for Covid-19 pandemic, but at all times.

How to strengthen the immune system of your children – personal hygiene

how to strengthen immunity of children during coronavirus


Hygiene is important is every respect. The dust in the room gets into the respiratory tract. If you ever look at a little dust under a microscope, you shall be horrified. It contains mold spores, particles of human skin, insect remains, live mites, etc. This is the reason why, you need to mop the floors in every room of the house and especially in kids’ bedrooms.

Everyone knows that the key to health is washing hands with soap. From an early age, it is necessary to develop the child’s habits to wash hands before eating and after using the toilet. As far as coronavirus prevention measures are concerned, 20-second hand washing is of significant importance, so it is up to parents to remind and monitor their children while they wash their hands properly.

Hygiene is important for strong immunity child washing hands

An important detail that is often missed is the clean nose. Every day, millions of viruses and germs attack the nose. If the mucous membrane is too dry, it is easier for them to enter the body. It is useful to rinse the nose with salt water, this moisturizes the mucous membrane and helps maintain local immunity. Salt solution can be easily and quickly prepared at home – mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.

Last but not least, is important to create the necessary microclimate in the house, cool (20-22 degrees) and humid (50-60% humidity) air helps to normalize breathing and prevent colds.

Sports and exercises to strengthen the immune system of your children

Sports and exercises to strengthen the immune system of your children

Practicing sports is the easiest, safest and cheapest way to increase immunity – not fast, but reliable. The resistance to diseases and increase of immune defense is carried out by daily training of the body – to change temperatures, humidity, the movement of air masses, etc. Physical exercises activate blood circulation and not only. It is not impossible to do some simple and easy exercises while you stay at home during the coronavirus lockdown. Stimulate children and even better, practice together. This will be even more fun activity during the isolation period.

How to strengthen the immune system of your children – tips for proper nutrition

vitamin A rich foods healthy lifestyle nutrition

Proper nutrition and balanced menu are essential if you want to strengthen the immune system of your children. To increase the child’s resistance to respiratory diseases, he should consume foods rich in vitamin A (carotene). Children should definitely eat raw carrots, pumpkin, eggs and other foods, rich in Vitamin A.

vitamin b rich foods to boost immunity

Vitamins of group B normalize the general metabolism and have a beneficial effect on blood formation processes, which ultimately helps to strengthen the health of the child. Foods rich in Vitamin B are dairy and meat products, cereals, leafy and leguminous vegetables, seafood. Yogurt allows the body’s immune system to reboot and start fighting against viruses and other diseases. It is best if your children consume plain yogurt rather than flavored varieties. You can easily add flavor to the yogurt by adding honey or fresh fruits, which your child will loves.

vitamin C proper nutrition to strengthen the immune system of your children

Vitamin C strengthens immunity especially well. Products containing vitamin C are fresh vegetables and citrus fruits. Some citrus fruits that you can introduce to your child are oranges, lime, lemons, tangerines, and grapefruit. Do you know that red bell peppers have higher vitamin C content compared to citrus fruits? It is not an accident that broccoli is called superfood. It is packed with vitamins, minerals and other healthy substances good for the body and the immune system. It contains vitamins A, E, and C, plus fibers and antioxidants. Parents need to remember that the body does not store vitamin C so you need to provide your child with regular vitamin C intake. Juices made from fresh vegetables or fruits, due to vitamin C and the antioxidants contained in them, also help the immune system to work properly. By making it a rule to prepare freshly squeezed juice for your child, you will significantly strengthen his health.

vitamin E how to boost the immunity of children

Nuts are an excellent tool for maintaining the strength and immunity of schoolchildren as they are rich in Vitamin E. A handful of walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts will help nourish the brain and strengthen immunity.

honey in jars tips for parents immune system of children

Honey and lemon have many health benefits. If your child has no allergies, honey is an excellent way to strengthen and maintain immunity. Give it a teaspoon per day, add to drinks instead of sugar, or mix with nuts.

Fish contains selenium, which is a very powerful antioxidant. Consumption of fish 2-3 days a week will increase the concentration of the child in school and keep the immune system at a high level. Selenium is found not only in fish, but also whole grain breads, nuts, nuts, fatty nuts, eggs, milk and dairy products.

fresh fruits and vegetables proper nutrition children health

Eggs are an excellent protein source. They are also a very good source of iron. Egg rich in vitamins A, D, E and B12 supports the child’s intelligence development, while contributing greatly to the healthy growth thanks to the quality protein it contains. An egg should be consumed every day as omelet, boiled or cooked in a way that the child likes.

proper nutrition tips to strengthen the immune system of children

Excessive consumption of sugar containing foods are a guarantee for health problems. If you want to strengthen the immune system of your child, avoid pre-packaged foods, candy, fries, acid drinks, ready-made fruit juices, wafers, biscuits, etc.


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