Urban landscape – the unfolding rooftop terrace in Brooklyn, New York

by Kremy

Urban landscape deas terrain nyc unfolding rooftop terrace

City dwellers are not strangers to the fact that living space is never enough. And that is why buildings become higher and higher. And not many of us are lucky to have a garden of their own so we have to rely on public spaces or the rooftops, if we have access to them, and here comes the urban landscape design. Urban landscaping is giving us the opportunity to enjoy spectacular views and stay outdoors even in metropolis like New York. This is exactly the case with the gorgeous unfolding rooftop terrace in Brooklyn, New York, a project developed by landscape architect Terrain-NYC Inc.

Urban landscape unfolding rooftop terrace terrain nyc outdoor architecture


The philosophy behind this urban landscape project from Terrain-NYC Inc was the celebration of the spectacle, offered by the city and combining a living landscape with the dynamic city life. And we all know that a well designed rooftop terrace offers us a private seclusion from the urban noise without depriving us from the external views. The design of the unfolding terrace reflects the various activities of the client and the uses of the terrace – for entertaining, dancing, dining or simply relaxing at the viewing platform equipped with daybed, lounging and garden.

modern landscaping design unfolding rooftop terrace poetry wall

The deck of the unfolding terrace in Brooklyn, New York is organized in such a way so that it it can create or break down space. The folding structure provides storage space and masks the vents and bulkheads on the roof space. The different levels are distinguished by illuminated resin panels which emphasize the level changes. The terrace is planted with native species – sedum, grasses, birches, rudbeckia which are drought tolerant and the fernery in the shaded area adds a touch of coziness. The folding structure of the deck provided a real challenge to urban landscape design but seeing the final result, we have to admit that it is more than spectacular and the ASLA award for this magnificent design is no surprise.

urban landscaping unfolding rooftop terrace terrain nyc enlighted levels

Urban landscape design ideas terrain nyc unfolding rooftop terrace

unfolding rooftop terrace terrain nyc different areas for activities

rooftop terrace design terrain nyc unfolding rooftop terrace dining area


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