What Greenhouse Plants to Grow to Enjoy Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?

by Kremy

Growing your own food brings many benefits and you don’t have to plant half your yard to reap a plentiful harvest. You can start with one or two herb plants, a seed bed, or a few young tomato seedlings.

What Greenhouse Plants to Grow Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Ideas

What are the benefits? Growing food is soothing. It’s also healthier and brings you closer to the ground, making dinner taste a little better. We shall tell you what greenhouseto grow so that you can enjoy plants fresh fruits and vegetables!

Grow Organic Food for a Healthy Lifestyle

Grow Organic Food for a Healthy Lifestyle


Organic vegetables and fruits retain all the vitamins, nutrients and trace elements because they are grown in environmentally friendly conditions, without using chemical fertilizers or growth accelerators. A large part of the vegetables and fruits on the shelves lose their useful properties as they are treated with pesticides, fertilizers, etc. It is obvious that the remnants of harmful substances enter the body and affect our health so it is essential to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables before consuming them.

Why Choose The Greenhouse Growing Method?

Why Choose The Greenhouse Growing Method

Growing your own fruits, vegetables or herbs in a greenhouse offers many benefits. Consuming vegetables from your own garden or greenhouse is much healthier than buying them from the supermarket or market. Those who are attracted to the idea of growing their own food but do not have a greenhouse can buy it from this online UK-based shop. Beginners can start with a mini greenhouse and place their favorite plants. The greenhouse growing method is hugely popular and is widely adopted all over the world.

Another important benefit of greenhouses is that they provide protection for your plants from rain, hail, frost or strong winds as well as from harsh sunlight during the summer. In addition, the plants are protected from insects and pests, birds or moles.

A greenhouse has its own, special microclimate: high humidity, stable temperature without sharp fluctuations.

What Greenhouse Plants To Grow?

What Greenhouse Plants To Grow

Would you like to enjoy the taste of your favorite vegetables and fruits at any time of the year? Growing your own food seems difficult but with some patience you will be rewarded with the desired harvest. Let’s see what greenhouse plants you can grow!

Microgreens and Baby Leaves

Microgreens and Baby Leaves

Growing micro greens is a great way to get your dose of healthy vegetables during the cold season. Microgreens are not fruits, but sprouts. Vegetable seeds are placed in the ground until the first leaves appear. It is believed that they contain ten times more useful substances than mature greens.

Baby leaves grow until the leaves of the plants reach 5-10 centimeters. You can grow basil, arugula, parsley, spinach, etc. Baby leaves do not require a lot of sun and can be grown in containers or in soil.

Cool Season Greenhouse Plants

lettuce and leafy greens

Cool season vegetables are from the cruciferous family – cauliflower broccoli, Brussels sprout as well as onions, peas, potatoes, radishes. Leafy greens like kale, lettuce, and spinach are also suitable for planting in the cool season because they will grow well and give good yields even in low temperatures.

Warm Season Plants to Grow

why grow vegetables

Basil, beans, cucumber, corn, eggplant, okra, pepper, and tomato are the perfect greenhouse plants for warm weather. Of course, these are just some of the possibilities. You can grow heirloom tomatoes, strawberries, melons, oranges and lemons, almost any variety of herbs – thyme, oregano, rosemary, pumpkins, zucchini etc.– all of these are also ideal to grow in a greenhouse.




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