What to do about greasy hair? Here you will find the best tips and home remedies that really help!

by Kremy

Floppy, thin and oily – that’s how we would hate to describe our hair. We have hardly washed our mane and it looks stringy again after a few hours. Does this scenario sound familiar to you too? Unfortunately, greasy looking hair is a common problem and looks particularly unkempt. Have you already spent a lot of money on overpriced products and procedures, but still nothing is happening? What to do about greasy hair? No reason to panic! There are actually many effective and cheap home remedies for greasy hair that really help! What are the most common causes of greasy hair? What could you do about it? All this, plus a few ideas for hairstyles for oily hair as a bonus, you can find in our article!

These are the most common causes of greasy hair

Greasy hair causes hair care tips oily hairline

To keep our hair healthy, the sebaceous glands of the scalp produce skin fat. But excessive sebum production quickly makes our hair look stringy and greasy. There are many causes of greasy hair, but we have compiled the most common ones below.

  • Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy or menopause lead to increased sebum production.
  • The wrong products that don’t suit your hair type
  • Humid climate is also a common cause of oily hair
  • Genetic predispositions, because there are actually people who simply produce more sebum than others.

What to do about greasy hair? Here are the best hair care tips!

what to do about greasy hair clean hairbrush


What to do about greasy hair – have you asked yourself this question a thousand times? Luckily, there are a few proven tips and tricks to get the problem under control once and for all. After all, sometimes it’s the smallest things that have the biggest impact, right? And well, here are the best tips to deal with oily hair.

Also read: Can You Use Rosemary Water on Blonde Hair? What Are the Benefits and Precautions?

Don’t wash your hair too often

how often to wash hair tips to avoid oily hair

If a greasy hairline becomes visible, it can be very tempting to wash our hair more often. Not a good idea! Why, you might ask? The more often we wash our hair, the quicker it becomes greasy again and a perpetual vicious circle ensues. Daily hair washing dries out the hair and scalp, which in turn stimulates sebum production. To counteract this, try washing your hair 2 to 3 times a week. A dry shampoo can work wonders after a hard workout and is the perfect emergency solution.

Avoid brushing and touching hair too often

Hairbrush cleaning tips to avoid oily hair

Brushing your hair multiple times a day pulls the sebum from the scalp down to the tips. Also, resist the urge to touch the hair with your hands because that will transfer all the dirt to our mane. And here’s an insider tip for oily hair – clean hairbrush! If it is full of hair, dirt and sebum will settle in it and this in turn creates that greasy and stringy look. It would also be helpful if you gave up the curling iron and straightening iron for a certain period of time. Temperatures that are too high permanently damage the hair structure and also stimulate the sebum production of the scalp.

These home remedies for greasy hair really help

winter care tips what to do about greasy hair

If you have oily hair, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on different care products. Instead, try some of the following home remedies for oily hair and see what works best for you.

Apple cider vinegar for oily hair

DIY home remedies for greasy hair acid rinse

Apple cider vinegar is a real all-rounder and is undoubtedly one of the most effective home remedies for greasy hair. The acid it contains regulates the pH of the scalp and prevents excessive sebum production. For best results, apple cider vinegar is applied like acid rinse and diluted with water. Simply make the rinse and gently massage into the scalp. Leave on for a short time and then rinse off with lukewarm water. However, some caution is required, because apple cider vinegar can cause itching or inflammation in people with sensitive scalps. In this case, use a milder type of vinegar and do not leave the mixture on for more than 1-2 minutes.

Aloe Vera against greasy hair

DIY aloe vera hair mask home remedy against greasy hair

Aloe vera can not only relieve sunburn, but also help against greasy hair. The medicinal plant has a soothing effect on the scalp and its antioxidant properties control oil secretion. As a plus, the vitamins, enzymes and minerals that it contains make hair stronger and healthier. To use aloe vera for oily hair, mix aloe vera gel with some lemon juice and apply the mixture to the hair. Leave the hair mask on for 5-10 minutes and rinse off with cool water.

Baking soda

Baking soda against greasy hair effect hair care tips greasy hairline

Baking soda can also provide a quick remedy for greasy hair. The home remedy absorbs excess oil and balances the pH of the scalp. You can use baking soda either as an alternative to dry shampoo or as a hair mask. Mix baking soda and water in a ratio of 1:3 until you get a paste. Apply the paste to damp hair, leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

Lemon juice and egg yolk

Egg hair mask against greasy hair how to brush hair properly

Similar to the acidic rinse with apple cider vinegar, the citric acid restores the pH of the scalp and regulates sebum production. In combination with egg yolk, this is perhaps one of the most effective hair masks for greasy hair that our grandmas have used. Depending on the length of your hair, mix 1-2 egg yolks with a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to form a paste and apply to your hair. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. For best results, use the hair mask 2-3 times a week.

Tea for greasy hair

apple cider vinegar conditioner effect

A tea hair rinse can also work wonders for greasy hair. Chamomile tea in particular is an excellent home remedy for regulating sebum production and soothing the scalp. To do this, add 2-4 bags of chamomile tea to 500 ml of water and let it steep for 2-3 hours. Then fill into a spray bottle and spray the hair with it after washing. However, regular use of chamomile tea can lighten hair slightly and if you want to avoid this effect then you should wash out the tea conditioner and use it no more than once a week.

Great hairstyles for greasy hair

what hairstyles for greasy hair

What to do against greasy hair when time is short or you are just too tired? Fortunately, there are many great looks that work even better with dirty hair than with a freshly washed mane. Soft beach waves and curls are trendy and are actually some of the most beautiful hairstyles for oily hair that last all day. A messy bun or a chic ponytail are also the perfect, uncomplicated solution for the next bad hair day. Or how about making a virtue of necessity and opting for the trendy wet look? And if you like it a little more playful, you can conceal the greasy hairline wonderfully with trendy hair accessories.


