What Are the Benefits of Fenugreek for Health, Hair and Skin? How to Use the Seeds?

by Kremy

Have you heard of fenugreek? Do you know what are the benefits of fenugreek for health, hair and skin and how to use its seeds? When it comes to herbs, we all have our favorites. Some people love basil, others love oregano.. Which one is your favorite? Yes, herbs have a special place in culinary and medicine and we only need to know about them to know how and when to use these special plants to our advantage.

what are the benefits of fenugreek for health hair and skin

What Is Fenugreek?

Now, what is fenugreek? This fragrant plant is both a herb and spice. It belongs to the legume family, just like beans and peas, for example, and its scientific name is Trigonella foenum-graecum. The healing properties and benefits of fenugreek have been known since ancient times, it was used by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The plant has a very strong and raw seeds have a bitter taste. You can reduce the bitterness of the seeds by roasting or heating them.

what are the side effects of fenugreek


What Are the Benefits of Fenugreek for Health, Hair and Skin?

Fenugreek seeds contain many nutrients, among which the main ones are proteins, potassium, starch, sugar, essential oil, vitamins A, C and B and enzymes. In addition, the plant contains all essential amino acids. Fenugreek has warming, nourishing and antibacterial properties that have a strong healing effect. Let’s have a detailed look at the health benefits of fenugreek!

Fenugreek Helps Control High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

One of the most important fenugreek benefits is its effect on blood pressure and cholesterol. The herb has a beneficial effect on these two problems.

Control of Blood Sugar Levels

Fenugreek seeds are a great supplement to control blood sugar levels and act beneficially against the development of diabetes.

Diabetes and Cholesterol

When it comes to fighting cholesterol and diabetes, fenugreek is a great solution. Studies show that fenugreek can act as an excellent cholesterol blocker. In addition, tests and studies have shown that fenugreek can help diabetic patients. It slows the rate of sugar absorption into the bloodstream and stimulates insulin production.

Against Inflammation

Fenugreek can help with inflammation thanks to the high content of antioxidants. In this way it is also beneficial to the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Fenugreek for Weight Loss

Fenugreek can help you get rid of excess pounds. It reduces appetite and promotes a feeling of satiety. In addition, it cleanses the gastrointestinal tract.

Note: It is not recommended to consume seeds or drinks on an empty stomach, because in this case it acts like a laxative.

Fenugreek Stimulates Lactation

One of the valuable properties of fenugreek is that it is able to enhance lactation. This is because of the natural analog of prolactin. A tablespoon of seeds per glass of boiling water will significantly increase the amount of breast milk (take 2-3 times a day), which is invaluable for nursing moms.

Fenugreek Benefits for Hair

Fenugreek stimulates hair growth and repairs damaged hair. It is rich in iron, amino acids and protein which stimulate hair growth. It is also a great ingredient for homemade hair care products. As you know, sunlight, styling products, color treatments, dehydration and environmental pollution are the main factors that damage our hair. Studies show that regular use of coconut oil infused with fenugreek helps repair damaged hair and promotes the growth of healthy hair.

Against Dandruff

Fenugreek is used to treat dry, irritated, itchy, flaky scalp. However, it is also effective in treating dandruff caused due to excess sebum production, fungal growth, inflammation, etc.

Fenugreek Benefits for Skin

Fenugreek Benefits for skin are quite many and it is a great facial tonic. The Vitamin C content gives the skin a healthy glow. Is your skin dry or flaky? Prepare a fenugreek mask to nourish and moisturize your skin. Powder or the water from seeds that have been soaked overnight cleanse the skin, you can use it to exfoliate dead cells, and due to the anti-bacterial properties, help in treating acne and other sking problems.

How to Prepare Fenugreek Tea?

how to prepare fenugreek tea

Making fenugreek tea at home is really easy. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Bring 2 cups of water to the boil.
  • Add 6 teaspoons of seeds (3 teaspoons per cup of water) to the water.
  • Lower the heat and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and consume hot or cold.

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Fenugreek Seeds Mask Recipe for Skin and Hair Care

fenugreek seeds mask recipe for skin and hair care

To prepare a homemade face mask, soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Strain and keep the water for face cleaning. Grind the seeds and mix them with yoghurt into a paste. Apply the paste and leave for 15-30 minutes. Then wash with water. You can use the same mask against dandruff. Simply apply it to the hair and leave it for about an hour. Then wash your hair.

What Are the Side Effects of Fenugreek?

fenugreek benefits for health hair and skin

Despite the many benefits of fenugreek for health, hair and skin, one should know the possible side effects before taking it.

  • Excessive consumption of fenugreek can lead to miscarriage during pregnancy due to the substance oxytocin which causes uterine contractions.
  • We mentioned that fenugreek lowers blood sugar levels but when diabetic patients combine it with medications, there is a risk of lowering the levels too much.
  • Allergic reactions are also possible.
  • Excessive fenugreek consumption can cause nausea, abdominal bloating and diarrhea.

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