Board and batten siding for a unique exterior of the house

by Kremy

board and batten siding house siding ideas home exterior

Board and batten siding is usually used for exterior siding of houses and is composed of 8- to 12-inch wide wooden boards and narrow wooden strips, called battens. The battens are nailed over the seams between the boards. The boards may be placed horizontally or vertically. The difference between standard batten and board siding and reverse board and batten siding is that the reverse type has very narrow boards with wide battens installed over the seams. Usually batten and board siding is associated with country cottages and rustic style but you may find a lot of options for more contemporary look.

Pea gravel driveway cedar board batten siding


When it comes to making choices for the exterior the question of best materials comes first. Furthermore the whole siding project is a costly one, as it includes the price of material and installation and it is not something that homeowners would like to do every second year. Solid wood or vinyl board and batten siding? Each material has its advantages. Solid wood batten and board siding gives a great finish to the home. Real wood is a versatile material choice for board-and-batten siding styles because it is easily cut to specification. Some wood species are not quite durable and the general fire resistance is certainly a factor. With the right choice of wood, the lifetime of your house siding can be up to 55 years. Redwood and cedar are one of the most popular choices for solid wood batten and board siding as these wood species have a natural resistance to decay. The fact that decay is the biggest disadvantage of wood siding, this is a key characteristic when you choose your material. Solid wood siding is can be bought in lumber stores or dealers and installation requires with basic carpentry tools and skills. However, it is not a good idea to make it your first DIY project.

painted cedar board and batten materials house exterior ideas

The main advantages of vinyl batten and board siding is that it is weather resistant, pets and mold resistant, easy maintenance and installation. Durability is also quite big, and vinyl siding will last for decades. The cons of vinyl batten and board siding is the possibility of cracking due to the exposure to the sun’s light. Although vinyl is technically recyclable it is very rarely recycled which is a concern environmentally-wise.

how to install board and batten siding rules

The main purpose of the siding is the exterior protection of the home while at the same time allowing air flow inside. Styling may be considered as a secondary function. There are many tutorials how to install batten and board siding but the general rule requires that boards should be nailed to horizontal blocking lines or to furring strips. Boards up to 6 inches wide should be fixed with one nail per bearing. The overlying battens should be attached with one nail per bearing. The nails and fasteners used to install the siding also must resist corrosion and be rust proof.

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