Christmas cracker jokes – have a laugh at the dinner table

by Kremy


Christmas cracker jokes are one of the main attributes of the holiday, without which a festive meal is simply unthinkable! If you haven’t heard of them before, you should know that they look like a huge candy, which contains a small gift and a naive joke written on a tiny piece of paper. Gifts in crackers depend on how much you are willing to spend on fun activities.



Christmas crackers are popular not only in the narrow family circle. They are a part of the festive serving in almost any restaurant as well. There are many people who think that jokes are not much of a fun as also as many who love this tradition and every year the search for original jokes goes on and on.

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The funny jockes are placed as a decoration on the table, not under the tree or on it. The little presents and jokes inside create all funny and festive atmosphere. Christmas cracker jokes can be questions or some kind of quiz and if you have decided to use them, make sure that you have suitable ones for kids and adults.








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