DIY granite countertops – granite slabs vs granite tile countertops

by Kremy

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Undoubtedly granite countertops hold a leading position and granite is considered as one of the best materials for kitchen countertops.

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Many people prefer to do the installation job by themselves and DIY granite countertops tutorials and instructions can be easily found.

 DIY granite options slab kitchen island countertops ideas

Before undertaking this task you should decide whether you prefer a granite slab countertop or a granite tile countertop.

Granite tile countertop DIY granite countertop kitchen remodel

A granite tile countertop is an excellent option for those who would like to obtain the look and superior durability of granite on a budget.

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When we talk about DIY granite countertops, granite tiles have an advantage compared to slabs. Due to the smaller size needed to craft the tiles, the granite can be quarried from smaller deposits and you can find really beautiful colors that cannot be found in slabs.

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Lightweight is another great advantage as tiles are slightly thinner than granite slabs, which makes them easier to treat. Again, the lightweight of granite tiles does not require extra support on installation.

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It requires a little experience to install a granite tile countertop by yourself while dealing with granite slabs is a bit more complicated.

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Perhaps the biggest pro of granite tile countertops is the cost. Using tiles is very cost effective and saves a lot of funds.


Installing a granite slab countertop requires much more skills as well as tools to complete the task. Working with a slab of granite is more sophisticated and specialized than installing tile.

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 That is why DIY granite countertop designs tutorials more often feature tile countertops and not slabs.

  kitchen island countertops contemporary kitchens

Comparing a slab and tile countertop, the slab has the advantage that it is seamless and there are no traces of grout lines. However the significant weigh and the much bigger cost can be considered as a minus.

 kitchen tile countertops DIY kitchen renovation ideas

tile vs slab countertops pros cons

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