Easy Crockpot Meals: Note This Healthy Fall Diner Recipe with Rice, Chicken, Spinach and Mushrooms!

by Snezhana Besarabova

This fall dinner meal combines a delicious taste with valuable components, as spinach and mushrooms provide abundantly with vitamins, iron, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. Additionally, chicken brings to the body proteins, essential for muscle growth and repair function, and this combination is a good example of a balanced meal. What ingredients you should use for the fall dish to reach the typical for this recipe fine taste?

Preparing Rice with Chicken, Spinach and Mushrooms

easy crockpot meals rice with chicken, spinach and mushrooms fall dinner

What to add?

  • 5.7 cups (800 g) chicken meat (thighs, fillet)
  • 350 g rice
  • 1.4 cup (400 g) fresh or 300 g sterilized mushrooms
  • 10 cups (300 g) spinach
  • salt, pepper (it’s possible to season with Vegeta)
  • 3-4 tbsp oil
  • 1.2 L hot water (or 3 parts)

Note: The dish can also be cooked without meat.

easy crockpot meals rice with chicken, spinach and mushrooms


How to make it?

  1. Put the oil and the chopped meat in the crockpot.
  2. Turn on the FRI program.
  3. Fry the meat until it’s half cooked and remove from the pot.
  4. Cook the rice in the same oil until it begins to become brown.
  5. Add the sliced mushrooms.
  6. Stir-fry for a few minutes and add the chopped spinach.
  7. Stir a few times until the spinach is soft.
  8. Return the meat to the pot.
  9. Season with the black pepper, veggies and salt.
  10. Stir again, and pour in the hot water.
  11. Close the cooker and turn on the RICE program – 10 minutes for hermetic appliance.

Newer models of cooking appliances, which are not airtight, keep track of when the rice will take on water and turn the cooker off.

easy crockpot meals rice with chicken, spinach and mushrooms fall dinner recipe

For both types of cookers, keep to the rule not to open the appliance immediately, but leave it closed for at least 10–15 minutes to allow the rice to finish its steaming.

Read also: 4 Mouth-Watering Rice Bowl Recipes That Everyone Should Try! – Quick, Easy and Budget-Friendly!

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