Easy and fun DIY ideas for leprechaun traps: Find video tutorials, photos and detailed instructions!

by Anjelina

The approach of St. Patrick’s Day is a great occasion to engage your children’s attention with a variety of activities that will stimulate their imagination and thought. One of the most enjoyable, exciting and fun activities is creating leprechaun traps, which combines elements of celebration, legend and engineering skills all in one. In today’s article, we’ll give you some great ideas for leprechaun traps from household items and craft materials that anyone will find in their home! We wish you lots of fun hours and most importantly – successful catching of the little mischievous creatures!

What is important to know about leprechaun traps?

what you need to know about leprechaun traps how to lure leprechauns

What’s important to know about leprechaun traps is that they engage children’s attention, make them believe in miracles and develop many of their skills – all of which is a pretty good reason to set about preparing such a trap, right? And here’s some additional information that’s good to be familiar with:

  • According to legend, if you manage to catch a leprechaun the night before St. Patrick’s Day, it will grant you three wishes. Well, there’s a reason kids are so enthusiastic about it!
  • To lure a leprechaun into your trap, you have to bait it with the things it likes! Gold is undoubtedly one of them – you can leave a gold coin in the trap, but you can also go for a chocolate coin covered in gold foil. Green objects are also a good option – green is the leprechauns’ favorite color. Sweets and tea can also do the job of attracting the little creatures!
  • It’s hard to catch a leprechaun, but they often leave traces of their visit in the trap – gold coins, clovers or even a note with a message for the one who made the trap! Keep that in mind!

Fun and easy DIY ideas for leprechaun traps

diy easy and fun leprechaun trap ideas


Well, now that you know the basics of attracting leprechauns, it’s time to get to work! We’ll give you some great DIY ideas for leprechaun traps, for which you’ll only need materials that you either already have at home or can easily find (and even replace with others). Let’s get started!

Easy leprechaun trap idea: video tutorial

We’ll start with a really easy idea for creating a trap using a few simple materials. The final result resembles a leprechaun’s hat. Of course, you can also let your imagination run or ask your child for ideas on how to decorate the trap! Use lots of colors, but especially green, and have fun! Check out the video for detailed instructions:

A trap made from an old shoebox

leprechaun trap made from an old shoe box

A good idea for making a leprechaun trap is using an old shoebox to turn into a real magical place!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • an old shoebox
  • cardboard
  • popsicle sticks
  • stickers (alphabet, possibly gold)
  • gold and green glitter
  • cotton balls
  • plastic gold coins
  • acrylic paints
  • hot glue gun
  • PVA glue
  • scissors


  1. Paint the box green with acrylic paint. Let it dry, then make a small hole at the top (to get the leprechaun inside).
  2. Make the ladder out of popsicle sticks. You can cut them in half to make the steps. Use a hot glue gun or PVA glue to secure everything together.
  3. Make the FREE GOLD sign. Cut rectangles out of cardboard, smear with PVA glue and sprinkle with gold glitter. Allow to dry and glue a smaller rectangle of plain white paper on which to stick the stickers. Attach a popsicle stick and you’re done.
  4. Continue with the rainbow – cut the shape out of cardboard and color it with acrylic paints. Use the hot glue gun to attach it to the front of the hole you already made. Form small cotton balls and glue them to the base of the rainbow (clouds).
  5. Cut shamrocks from the cardboard and decorate them with the green glitter, then glue them onto the box.
  6. Finally, make a trail of plastic gold coins to lead the leprechaun right into the trap!

Chipboard box trap

chipboard box trap for leprechauns easy diy idea

For your next DIY leprechaun trap project, you’ll need a chipboard box, which you’ll find at most craft stores. Decorate it with clovers, paint it green. Make a beautiful rainbow of chenille stems to put inside, as well as some plastic gold coins. Leave the trap open by holding the lid of the box with a straw.

Green hat and gold coins trap idea

leprechaun trap idea green hat gold coins pretzel stick marshmallow

We also have a great last-minute idea to try with the kids. Use a hat (preferably green) and decorate it with shamrock stickers and other suitable decorations! Then poke a pretzel stick into a marshmallow – this construction will hold the hat upright. The only thing left is to make a path of gold coins that lead straight to the trap!

Video tutorial: Leprechaun trap – mini garden from a tin can

Our last suggestion is for an upcycling project – reuse a tin can and turn it into a magical mini garden to attract leprechauns! Check out the video below to find out all the materials that you’ll need and how to quickly and easily make this amazing trap with your child!

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