How to Make Emoji Easter Eggs – 3 Easy Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids

by Kremy

Egg-dyeing is one of the most loved Easter activities. There are so many techniques to decorate eggs – from decoupage to hand painting, using rice, shaving foam, etc., etc. How about funny Emoji Easter eggs? What could be cooler than smiley eggs for Easter? Emoji Easter Eggs will be a wonderful gift for all your family and friends, as well as a real decoration for your festive table and Easter basket. This is a great last minute idea for those who haven’t got the time to try more elaborate techniques. While adults associate this holiday, with religion, for children, Easter is about having fun!

funny Easter eggs with faces how to make emoji

Nowadays emojies are a part of everyone’s life. They are a visual representation of a facial expression that conveys a mood, attitude, or emotion. The most famous is the smiley face. Originally used in emails and text messages, now they are a part of everyday conversations and correspondence of people. The majority of people use stickers, emoticons in their online communication and the variety of emojis is growing because the number of characters developed by various companies help to express our feelings, help add humor, sadness, happiness, etc.

DIY Emoji Easter Eggs add a smile to your holiday

How to Make Emoji Easter Eggs Egg Decorating Ideas for Kids


If you want to make emoji Easter eggs, you need to decide whether you want them eatable or just as decoration. There are different techniques to choose from as well as different materials. You can use hard boiled eggs, eggs that have the center blown out, or papier mache eggs.

how to make emoji eggs Easter decorating ideas

If you want edible Emoji eggs, make sure you use only food safe dyes and markers. Remember that eggs shells are porous and any paint or ink you use can seep through the shell and contaminate the egg.

emoji faces Easter egg decorating ideas

If you are going to use your homemade emoji eggs for decoration only, you can use any art supplies that you like.

What do you need to make emoji eggs? Depending on the purpose and the method that you prefer you shall need yellow food dye or craft paint as well as white, pink, and blue. Black and red sharpies or markers, a paintbrush and/or googly eyes are also needed. Here are three simple tutorials for you!

DIY edible Emoji Easter eggs

DIY edible Emoji Easter eggs


  • Eggs
  • Yellow food dye
  • Food markers – black, red, blue


First, paint the eggs with yellow egg dye. The intensity of color depends on the time the eggs are in the paint, so check the dye instructions. Of course, you can take out an egg during the coloring process, checking if it has reached the desired shade.

After the eggs are dyed, let them dry.

Use a black food marker to draw eyes and smiles on your eggs. You can look at your phone for inspiration.

With a red felt-tip pen, draw the tongues, cheeks for an embarrassed emoticon, eyes-hearts for a lover.

Keep drawing different faces until your Emojis are ready.

DIY Easy Emoji Easter eggs

DIY Easy Emoji Easter eggs


  • Yellow Eggs
  • Craft Foam, red and blue
  • Scissors
  • Googly Eye Stickers
  • Black Paint Marker

how to make emoji eggs with googly eyes


Place the googly eyes on each egg. If your googly eyes do not have a sticky back, you can use a dot of glue or a hot glue gun to fix them.

Once you have all the eyes placed, pick your favorite Emojis and use a black marker to draw faces.

Cut out pieces of sticky back craft foam as accents like heart eyes, tongues and tears.

How to make Emoji Easter Eggs with acrylic paints?

diy emoji easter eggs crafts for kids


  • Yellow, light blue, red, and white acrylic paint
  • Small paint brushes
  • Black Paint Pen
  • Hard-boiled Eggs, eggs that have the center blown out or papier mache eggs

diy emoji easter eggs easy and fun crafts for kids


Boil the eggs and let them cool and dry.

Paint the eggs yellow using the acrylic paint and let them dry overnight.

Use black and red paint pens to make your designs. Choose your favorite emojis to recreate.

Once the black lines are dry, add the details – hearts, tears, etc.

Remember that these eggs are not to be consumed!



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